On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 9:09 AM, Gregory Strydom
<gregory.strydom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm at the end of  my rope lol.
> For the life of me i cant discern where you put Context definitions.
> Ive had a look at django tutorial and the documentation and unless im
> seriously overlooking something i cant find the information i need.
> I understand perfectly how it works.

If you understood perfectly, you wouldn't be asking these questions :)

> E.g:  P = Context()
> P['Name'] = "Fred"
> P["Age"] = "27"
> <html>
> <head>
> </head>
> <body>
> Hi my name is {{ P.Name }}
> </body>
> </html>
> I can understand that perfectly. What i cant understand is where do place
> the P = Context() P['Name'] = "Fred".
> Does it go in the models file, Views file, html file, seperate file??
> Im basically tearing my hair out in frustration as im sure its really simple
> but i just cant see it.
> If someone could someone please give an example or explain where i need to
> place it i would be extremely gratefull!!

Contexts are used when rendering templates. All function calls that
render templates also take two additional arguments, which can be used
to populate a context. Eg:

render_to_string(template_name, dictionary=None, context_instance=None)

The context_instance here is the Context you wish to use to render the
template. The key-value-pairs in the dictionary are merged into a
supplied context_instance, or used to create a new Context if none is

Finally, there is a sub-class of Context called RequestContext. This
is a context that is created with a request object. It will step
through each context processor defined in
settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS, and call the functioned
specified there, passing the request as the only argument. The
dictionary returned from this function is then merged into the

All of this is documented on a single page here:


So, what does this mean? Well, typically on a "full fat" web page,
you'll want to use a RequestContext, so that common variables - like
the currently logged in user - are automatically available in your
template. Therefore, in a view, you will commonly have a pattern like

def myview(request):
  ctxt = RequestContext(request)
  return render_to_response("myapp/myview.html", {
    'hello': 'world',
    'testing': '123', }, context_instance=ctxt)

Inside the template itself, the context is now the global scope.
Therefore, you don't refer to the 'name' of the context, eg in your
example, "{{ P.Name }}" is incorrect; the context has a variable
called 'Name' in it, so "{{ Name }}" is the correct usage.



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