On Friday, October 12, 2012 7:56:52 AM UTC-5, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:

> The reason I jumped on this was pre-emptive. We've had two threads on 
> Django-dev in a week, started by the same OP, which have quickly 
> degraded into *very* ugly territory. As Jacob has commented on the 
> other threads, we're taking it on faith that the OP has good 
> intentions but has phrased himself badly, but he, and others, have 
> been warned about keeping a civil tongue. Given that a discussion of 
> "what defines a perfectionist" is in no way on-topic for django-users, 
> and has all sorts of potential to end up in bad places, I have no 
> problem asking people to step away from this particular topic. 

Russell (and Jacob), 

I really appreciate the way you moderate the forum. The civility and 
helpfulness of the community was one of the main reasons I picked Django a 
few years ago.

Thanks again,
Bob Haugen


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