I would like to accomplish the following:

class Foo(models.Model):
    bar = models.CharField()
    baz = function(self.bar)

Of course this doesn't work (at least as I want it to), but I'm guessing 
that most humans will know what I'm trying to do. What I want is:

1) User supplies value for 'bar'
2) User clicks 'Save' 
3) baz column gets value returned by 'function' (which will be a large 

I don't care if 'baz' shows up on the Admin form, so long as after saving 
the calculated value shows up. I could probably do this with a DB trigger, 
but I'd like to do it the Django way. A trigger would also not be 
RDBMS-neutral I considered using signals, but:

1) I don't think I can use pre_save, since I don't have a row yet.
2) I don't think I can use post_save because I don't know of a way to 
identify the right row. Also, post_save would make the transaction 
non-atomic (right?) If "function" threw an exception for example, the row 
would still get saved.

If I do use a signal, I'd also like to avoid using raw SQL if possible. I'd 
have to hard-code table, column names, which seems ugly to me. I just know 
there's a quick, elegant way of doing this. I'm just not Django savvy 
enough yet.

Thank you! 

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