On 30/10/2012 12:06, Bill Freeman wrote:
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:13 PM, Some Developer
<someukdevelo...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm in the process of writing a Django site and one of the requirements is
that it have a custom admin panel and a custom control panel but I am having
some problems coming up with the best way to organise my application.

My initial idea was to have the admin (and control) panels as separate
applications with all the models that they require in specific apps. So for
instance if I have a news app then the admin panel simply loads the models
from the news app and displays them in the way that I want. This works fine
but it relies on a hard link between the admin panel and the news app. When
using the admin panel built into Django there is no hard link between apps,
you simply add an admin.py file to your application and the admin panel
takes care of the rest.

Is there some way to do this with a custom admin panel whilst still
retaining the flexibility of displaying the data associated with an app in a
much more complex manner than the built in admin panel allows?

I'm basically trying to decouple the two apps so that changes in one do not
have an adverse effect on the other one. Also it would be nice to use the
admin panel app in other projects that also require the flexibility of
having a custom admin panel.

You could mimic the way that the native admin does it:
admin.autodiscover() is called
by your top level urls.py at the first request.  It prances through the apps in
django.conf.settings.INSTALLED_APPS and tries to import admin (admin.py) from
each of them.  The admin.py modules register the desired models with the admin
interface.  You would need to implement your own equivalent of
(and the root urls.py is a good place to call it), and either modifiy
the admin.py files
to register with your admin, or, better, have your autodiscover look
for something
else, like myadmin, or name_of_project_admin.

But do realize that you can replace all of the templates that the
existing admin uses
just by putting your version in your top level templates directory
(see the tutorial).

You can even replace the admin views, by replacing the include of the
native admin's
urls by your own, and thus without monkey patching the admin.  This leaves you
free to take advantage of the native autodiscover (though that
registry of apps may
not be a public interface, and if not, not guaranteed to have a
painless upgrade path).
In this case you are free to use some of the native views and replace others, if


Thank you. Good advice.

I hadn't considered changing the included admin panel views. That may work depending on whether I can perform some of the more complex operations that I need.

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