On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 3:33 AM, Alexandra Paredes <05-38...@usb.ve> wrote:

> Ok, well the things we're looking to add and/or improve are: Composed
> primary key (although we're worried of the difficulty of this one
> in particular .

A lot of work has already been done on this problem. See Ticket #343 [1],
and the work that has been done on a branch stemming from the 2011 Google
Summer of Code.

[1] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/373
[2] https://github.com/koniiiik/django/tree/soc2011/composite-fields

Other thing we notice is that Django emulate the DELETE ON CASCADE, making
> select and deletes instead of using the DB constraint and we would like to
> change this.

This shouldn't be too hard to implement. The biggest problem here is that
not all databases support cascading deletes (or implement them correctly,
in some cases). However, for those that do support it (which is to say
PostgreSQL and Oracle), an implementation of native cascading delete should
really be case of *not* calling code, rather than needing new code.
Deletion strategies are already abstracted behind an interface (See [3]),
so it should be fairly easy to drop in a simpler implementation.


For the most part, this could be implemented by doing *less* - Django's
deletion infrastructure is already genericised, and putting in an
implementation that *doesn't* delete individual objects will really only
involve *not* calling code.

> And basically we would like to make this kind of changes, the idea our
> thesis is that web frameworks like Django give the possibilities to develop
> web apps easily, and databases (specially DBMS) are optimized for managing
> data. So our goal is to see the ORM of Django can take advantage of this
> features so queries can be even more efficient.

Django is already used to develop web apps easily, and databases are
clearly good for managing data. I'm not sure how a couple of select
optimisations in the ORM advances this thesis. A better database layer
won't make it any easier to develop web applications -- by definition, the
ORM abstracts the implementation details, and a better database layer won't
improve the data management capabilities of a database.

Of course, this is something you need to take up with your own
professor/tutor. I might be missing some important details that are
specific to your course requirements.

Russ Magee %-)

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