I'm getting a baffling ValidationError.

Request URL:
Django Version:         1.4.3
Exception Type:         ValidationError
Exception Value: [u'Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.']

Exception Location: C:\usr\bin\lib\site-packages\django\forms\models.py in to_python, line 988
Python Version:         2.7.3

Background ...

I have an Item model which has two one-to-many relationships with other types of child records (call them A and B models).

In the Admin, when the user adds an A record, some B records get added automatically.

The next A record to get added does much the same but if there are any B duplicates it doesn't try to add those but instead just adds its mark to a special field in the B record which is already there.

My code - which from embedded print statements appears to be doing exactly what I want - will either delete the B record or just remove the mark previously added. Eventually when the last A record is deleted the idea is that the last B records will go at the same time.

Unfortunately, at the final hurdle we get the ValidationError at line 988 in to_python.

The local vars nominate ...

self    <django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField object at 0x00F5DE70>
value   u'251'
key     'pk'

... and that is the pk of the A record which triggers the Item code via a pre_delete signal.


- the deletion/mark removal method lives in the Item model
- the pre-delete signal is detected in the A record
- the signal connects a stub method in the A record
- the stub method in the A record calls the Item method
- the Item method iterates over a filtered queryset of B records and uses the passed value (the aforesaid mark from the A record) to decide whether to delete the B record or just remove the mark and save it

None of my code appears in the TraceBack so I assume the Admin is trying to delete the A record. I've tried both pre_delete and post_delete signals in the A record.

Why is it so?

Thanks for any hints


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