Héllo Harit,

On Friday, January 18, 2013 6:56:17 PM UTC+1, Harit wrote:
> Hello Everyone


> I am new user of Django and this community and want to know how can we 
> deploy Django apps on Google App Engine.

If it is Google App Engine and not Google Cloud you won't be able to use 
Django's ORM aka. models like Londerson said, you will have to use 
something like django-nonrel or skip it all together and just use GAE ndb 
which means you won't be able to reuse existing django applications (or 
contrib apps). If you really need to use django models I recommend you use 
Google cloud which comes with a mysql database (cloud sql).

> Are there Easy, Simple ways to accomplish it?

Except the above, it similar to how other cloud solutions works. 

Regarding the packaging of your project, you have to put every dependency 
in the directory you push in the cloud with settings files, static et al. 
This probably include Django's django directory in the correct version 
since the available version might not be the good one. I don't know any 
project template for Django (!), but there are for Flask, here is an 
example one [0], It should be pretty similar.

Heroku and Google cloud solutions are similar in feature, the pricing and 
SLA should be decision makers. Also they are another cloud service which I 
heard good things namely dotcloud [1] which supports Django [2] out of the 
box and a certain number of other foss like solr, rabbitmq...

> Please guide me through your experiences, resources that you are aware of

When I used Google Appengine but with flask, because I wanted to learn 
flask and google appengine... AppEngine is easy to work with but you end 
up dependent of the infrastructure even if they are now several similar 
foss PAAS appengine compatible [6]. It's true that the experience of webdev 
is well integrated and streamlined for some common [3][4][5] tasks but it 
is worth the price since AFAIK there is nothing you can't do outside of 

[0] https://github.com/kamalgill/flask-appengine-template
[1] https://www.dotcloud.com/
[2] http://docs.dotcloud.com/0.9/tutorials/python/django/ 
[3] https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/search/overview
[5] https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/taskqueue/
[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_App_Engine#Portability_concerns

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