You've probably already tried the simple things:

   - Confirm that the server name and port are correct.
   - Ensure that firewall/routing rules will allow the connection.
   - Try a simple connection on the same box with sqlplus.

Walking through this list has helped me a number of times.

On Thursday, January 24, 2013 5:27:22 PM UTC-5, Dylan Klomparens wrote:
> I have a Django program that is connecting to an Oracle database. In my 
> file I have this configuration:
>   'default': {
>     'ENGINE': '',
>     'NAME': 'xe',
>     'USER': 'MY_USER_NAME',
>     'PASSWORD': 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
>     'HOST': '',
>     'PORT': '1234',
>   }}
> I received a strange error when attempting to load the website:
> ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error
> After further investigation, I sniffed the TCP traffic between the 
> webserver and the database server. I discovered this text in the network 
> communication, which I reformatted for this post:
>     (ADDRESS=
>         (PROTOCOL=TCP)
>         (HOST=
>         (PORT=1234)
>     )
>         (SID=xe)
>         (CID=
>             (PROGRAM=httpd@webserver_hostname)
>             (HOST=webserver_hostname)
>             (USER=apache)
>         )
>     ))
> So my question is: why is Django attempting to connect to the Oracle 
> database with different credentials than the ones I specified? Notably, it 
> is attempting to use user 'apache' instead of 'MY_USER_NAME'. The database 
> host IP, port, and SID are correct and what I specified. It just appears to 
> be the user name that is different.
> (As a side note, I suppose the password is transmitted separately in a 
> later portion of the log in process?)

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