This is really strange behaviour. When I issue POST request to many
times django suddenly starts to ignore them all. I can see then in
firebug but debug server shows nothing. Restarting server doesn't
help. Even more, when I try to restart server when this happens I
always get:

    Error: That port is already in use.

Restarting the whole machine helps.

I thought it may be related to

    Exception AttributeError: AttributeError("'_DummyThread' object
has no attribute '_Thread__block'",) in <module 'threading' from
'/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.pyc'> ignored

error I'm having but event after applying workaround:

    import threading
    threading._DummyThread._Thread__stop = lambda x: 42

described on

I'm still having the same problem.
I don't know ho to diagnose the source of the issue.

Maybe this will be helpful:

    OS: ubuntu 12.04 LTS
    Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-2720QM CPU @ 2.20GHz × 4
    Python 2.7.3
    Django 1.4.1

Any help would be appreciated.

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