
I looked for django-announcements to post this in, but didn't find at
groups.google.com. If this is not the place for such announcements I'm
sorry. Anyway;

Being somewhat underwhelmed by class based views due to the repetative
coding in urls.py etc I tried to see if I could get generic
scaffolding and basic views up and running based on a given model in
less lines of code. It's pretty simple and not heavily tested, but I'd
like to see if any of you has any inital comments before I spend a lot
of time on it.

The idea is that we always write the same views for alot of our
models; a list view, a detail view and add/update/delete. My
app/urls.py seem to have repeating patterns for all these views.
Generic views, class based or plain functions, do help but I still
find all the coding a bit redundant. In essence the templates are the
only thing that I really have to code manually.

Using quickview you define your model like so :

    class Person(models.Model):
        name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
        age = models.IntegerField(default=10)

In views.py:

    from models import Person
    from quickview import QuickView

    class PersonView(QuickView):
        model = Person

And in urls.py:

    from views import PersonView

    # after your other patterns:
    urlpattern += YourView.get_urls()

After a little syncdb and runserver you'll have an urlconfig/pattern
something like this:

myapp/person/list/$ [name='myapp-person-list']
myapp/person/add/$ [name='myapp-person-add']
myapp/person/(?P<pk>\d+)/$ [name='myapp-person-detail']
myapp/person/update/(?P<pk>\d+)/$ [name='myapp-person-update']
myapp/person/delete/(?P<pk>\d+)/$ [name='myapp-person-delete']

where myapp is the app my person-models resides in. Now you define
some templates ( list.html, detail.html, add.html, update.html,
delete.html ) in /templates/myapp/person/ and you're good to go ;-).

Todos: user authentication/login_required etc. and unittests.

The code is available at pypi ( pip install django-quickview ) or you
can browse the source at
https://bitbucket.org/weholt/django-quickview. The testsite-folder at
bitbucket contains a working example.

Mvh/Best regards,
Thomas Weholt

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