For me at least is...

A long time ago, I used to use a programming language that let me set  
breakpoints and when the code stopped, I could inspect all the  
variables, change them (the code would roll back to where the  
earliest change was)... call non-existent functions which would raise  
an error but then I could create and code those called functions....  
and then let the code just "carry on" as if nothing had happened.  
This suited my way of working because I could see exactly what  
objects I was dealing with at any time. It suited me because I might  
create a method called "addToCache"... knowing I needed it... and  
then code it whilst the code patiently waited for me to get on and  
make that code... It was amazing.... and with it, I was, for a while,  
amazingly productive...

Imagine being able to stop in and see exactly what object  
type a given DB call returns... rather than fishing around for clues  
using print statements.

I'm very excited because Django seems to be tantalisingly close to  
being able to operate something like this!

I use a Mac... and the 2 python development environments that have  
cool debuggers are ScrIDE (free) and Komodo (commercial). I have just  
tried running the Django server in ScrIDE and had 3 problems. The  
first I think is that ScrIDE maybe doesn't pick up all the right  
environment variables (fixable). The second is that I suspect it has  
flaky indentation parsing (which I tried to fix in the django source  
but ended causing knock-on errors)... and lastly... ScrIDE doesn't  
let me run with arguments.

Komodo is a much bigger beast of an IDE. It can let me send args to, it doesn't foul up indentation, it is a much more well- 
tested and reliable tool AND it runs on most platforms.... ( I guess  
something like Eclipse could do this but for me that is waaaaay too  
big a beast...)

Has anyone tried running Django from within an IDE with the ability  
to set breakpoints? Does anyone have ideas/experience about this?


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