I'm building a site with a username/password login form on ever page.
(You know, up in the top right corner, and the form gets replaced with
"Welcome username, options, logout" links when logged in.)  Pretty
straightforward, except for an issue with test cookies.

When using this embedded form, instead of logging right in, the user
gets bounced to the regular login page, with a "username/password
didn't match" message.  However, hitting the login button there works
fine, even without reentering any info.  Confusing and annoying.

So, based on my reading of the contrib.auth code, here's how auth login
is supposed to work:

1. User requests the login form URL, which triggers the view
2. Since there are no REQUEST variables, this view calls
set_test_cookie() and renders the blank form
3. User fills in the form with username and password, and submits it
back to django.contrib.auth.views.login
4. Since there are now REQUEST variables, it runs the
AuthenticationForm manipulator, which checks two things:
 a) that username/password match and denote an active user
 b) that cookies are turned on, via test_cookie_worked()
5. If _both_ of these tests are passed, then the user is logged in and
the test cookie is deleted.  If either test fails, it redirects to the
login form, which again sets the test cookie and asks for

So, the problem with my login form on every page is that it doesn't
work if the user hasn't visited the regular login URL, because the test
cookie won't have been set.  It seems like the easy way to resolve this
is to set the test cookie on every page.  (Or at least every page where
not is_authenticated. )

What's the best way to do that?  I would guess a middleware, but is
there a better way to call set_test_cookie for every request?

Alternatively, a cleaner but more involved way to handle this case
would be to patch the auth.login process to do a double redirect after
checking the username/password.  That way, anonymous users wouldn't get
cookies set unnecessarily, and one could log in from a saved page even
after clearing cookies.

Anyone else confronted this problem?  I've found several docs, posts
and messages talking about login forms on every site, but none that
point to test cookies as a problem...



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