Hi everyone

(cross-posted because this seems relevant to both django-users and
developers, and both might have experienced this problem)

We've noticed a gradual increase in memory usage for our apache processes
since upgrading to django 1.5.

Here is a graph <http://i.imgur.com/cBsUx52.png> showing memory usage
before and after we upgraded to django 1.5 on our web server. (the upgrade
occurs at 12:30 on the graph).

I'm hoping someone else has noticed a similar thing and is able to provide
some insight. I've spent two days trying to track down where the leak might
be but so far come up empty.

We are using modwsgi on ubuntu lucid. We were previously running a
pre-release (November) django 1.5a1 with no problems, so the bug must be
somewhere in
https://github.com/koordinates/django/compare/31e616521...e4ba16ce7 .

Unfortunately that's a big diff. I've been unable to reproduce the bug on a
dev server, and I'm not comfortable with doing `git bisect` on our
production box ;)

I've tried using Dozer to track down the leak but it appears to cause
apache to segfault with annoying regularity before finding anything of

Any tips welcome

Craig de Stigter

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