On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Cody Scott <cody.j.b.sc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If I want users to sign up for my site, I need to make a register view,
> register form and a register template.
> Why is there a view and form for every other user account action (login,
> logout, etc.)
> Logging in has constant requirements - a username and a password. You must
provide both, or you can't log in. The forms and views to support this are
simple. Logging out doesn't require any user data at all - you just log out
the currently logged in user.

What would you propose we put on a "register" view? Every project is going
to have different registration requirements. For that matter, there's also
different registration processes - are you going to enforce verification of
email addresses? Do you want to gather profile information before or after
the email address has been verified?

*That* is why there isn't a baked in Django "register" view, form and

There are, however, third party apps that can help. django-registration and
django-profiles for example provide generic implementations of specific
registration procedures. djangopackages.com is a good indication of the
sorts of third-party tools that are available.

This also points out an important philosophical approach with Django -
Django is much more that just the core. Django is a wide ecosystem of
packages and tools. The wider ecosystem provides a lot more functionality
that the core can ever provide, and it helps to distribute the load of
maintaining these tools over a much wider group of individuals.

Russ Magee %-)

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