On 7/05/2013 1:18pm, Nathaniel Sim wrote:
It is a Django web app and Django is installed. I copy the project from
remote server to my xampp/htdocs.
What are the steps if i want to develop in Windows OS and using Aptana
Studio as IDE?

1. Establish a repository to manage source code change, get your database (eg Postgres) running

2. Set up a working area in your home directory eg., C:\Users\Nathanial\py

3. Copy the project tree of files into a project root in the working area eg., C:\Users\Nathanial\py\foo_project

Note: Check the docs for guidance on what it might look like. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/intro/tutorial01/#creating-a-project

4. Find out where settings.py lives in the project tree. It might be C:\Users\Nathanial\py\foo_project\foo\foo\settings.py

5. Create an environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=foo.settings

6. As per https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/intro/tutorial01/#the-development-server try running (in a DOS shell) ...

$> cd \Users\Nathaniel\foo_project\foo
$foo> manage.py syncdb (to create an empty database) or otherwise create it from a production database dump file.
$foo> manage.py runserver

7. Open a browser at http://localhost:8000/<existing-working-link> to see what is there. Where the existing link is copied from the live site.

I don't use an IDE so I can't help there. But anyway you need to go one step at a time and I think an IDE can come later.

Here is the best source of info: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/

Good luck


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