Answering my own question from a few days ago, this:

    choice_vals = scene.begin_scene.all().values()
    ChoiceFormFactory = formset_factory(ChoiceForm)
    formset = ChoiceFormFactory(initial=choice_vals)

is all wrong. I needed to be using a modelformset_factory, not a
formset_factory, with a few extra params:

    ChoiceFormSetFactory = modelformset_factory(Choice, form=ChoiceForm,
    formset = ChoiceFormSetFactory(queryset=scene.begin_scene.all())

This assigns the value of the select widget correctly out of the box, and
also avoids some later issues I ran into with .values() and initial=.


On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Matt C <> wrote:

> I'm resorting to code in __init__ to set my select dropdown properly when
> using a ModelForm with formset_factory, and wondering if there is a better
> way.
> I have a model that looks like this:
> class Choice(models.Model):
>     desc = models.TextField()
>     begin_scene = models.ForeignKey(Scene, related_name='begin_scene')
>     end_scene = models.ForeignKey(Scene, related_name='end_scene')
> with a corresponding ModelForm.
> My view contains this:
>     choice_vals = scene.begin_scene.all().values()
>     ChoiceFormFactory = formset_factory(ChoiceForm)
>     formset = ChoiceFormFactory(initial=choice_vals)
> When I render the form, I get a select dropdown which contains correct FK
> values from Scene. However, the correct option in the dropdown is not
> selected.
> I did a bunch of searching and playing around and ended up with this in my
> form class, which does work to set the selected option correctly.
> class ChoiceForm(ModelForm):
>     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>         if 'initial' in kwargs and 'end_scene_id' in kwargs['initial']:
>             kwargs['initial']['end_scene'] =
> kwargs['initial']['end_scene_id']
>         super(ChoiceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
> But I'm wondering if I missed something simpler/cleaner/more idiomatic.
> Did I?
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