That was it, thank you Russell. 

Any way to register that model exclusively for this functionality, without 
showing its page in the main menu? 
It's only a proxy of User so the information is completely redundant...

On Thursday, May 16, 2013 6:25:02 AM UTC+2, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 6:34 AM, Adrián López Calvo 
> <<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> <>
>> Hello,
>> I have the following code in my
>>     class UserManagedGroupAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>>         inlines = [MembershipInline]
>>         search_fields = ('name', 'leader__username', )
>>         list_display = ('__unicode__', 'leader', )
>>         filter_horizontal = ('permissions', )
>>         raw_id_fields = ('leader', )
>>, UserManagedGroupAdmin)
>> The magnifying glass icon for searching doesn't appear in the admin page.
>> Attatched image shows what I'm getting.
>> As you can see it's showing the unicode method of the model instead of 
>> the search icon I want.
>> Field `'leader'` is a `ForeignKey` to `Member`, a proxy model of the 
>> builtin `User`.
>> I've tried it with other `ForeignKey` fields and they worked as expected. 
>> Could it be that django disables the search for `ForeignKeys` to `User` 
>> for security reasons, or am I doing something wrong?
>> The widget would be perfect for choosing users... I mean, I can't leave a 
>> huge select there with every user of my site.
> You've defined the admin registration for the Have you got an admin 
> registration for the UserManagedGroup model, but have you got an admin 
> registration for Member? If you haven't said that Member can be displayed, 
> Admin won't be able to provide a view to search for Member instances.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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