Hi Michael,
> *Django 1.5:*

>    - The database-level auto-commit is turned OFF.
> Yes. 

>    - SQL standards dictate that every query opens a transaction if one 
>    does not already exist. This happens regardless of the database's 
>    auto-commit setting.
> Yes, this is required by PEP 249 and taken care of by the database 

>    - After each Django ORM operation (read or write), Django commits this 
>    open transaction. This emulates the database-level auto-commit.
> No, transactions are only committed after write operations, so it isn't 
exactly like database-level autocommit. 

>    - Transaction decorators cannot be nested. When one is opened, any 
>    previous transaction will be committed.
>  Not necessarily. It's complicated. It depends on the previous state (auto 
/ managed), the current state (auto / managed) and the dirty flag.

I never understood the logic. Your best chance is to read the source if you 
really need to know how it works.

>    - When executing raw SQL (with a database cursor), Django marks the 
>    current transaction as dirty but does not issue a commit. If data changes 
>    were made then they need manually committing. *Why do the 
> **docs*<https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/topics/db/sql/#executing-custom-sql-directly>
>    * say that you only need to commit the change if data was changed? If 
>    the transaction is marked as dirty regardless of a read or a write, would 
>    it not always need committing or rolling back to ensure the transaction is 
>    properly closed by the end of the connection?*
> In Django 1.2 and earlier, the connection wasn't marked dirty on raw SQL 
operations. If you didn't commit and you didn't perform any other writes 
until the end of the query, Django would issue a rollback.

In Django 1.3-1.5, I'm not sure what happens exactly. I believe the 
transaction management will always issue a commit or a rollback before the 
connection is aborted and closed by the request_finished signal, but I 
could be wrong.

Honestly, when I rewrote transaction management, no one understood how it 
interacted with the dirty flag. So I can't answer this question and I don't 
think anyone else can. Once again, read the source if you need to know how 
it works in a specific case.

>    - Setting TRANSACTIONS_MANAGED to True stops Django from sending any 
>    commits after ORM operations. The database-level auto-commit is still 
>    disabled.* With this setting, using any Django ORM read or write 
>    operation (all wrap**ped in `transaction.commit_on_success`) fails 
>    with TransactionManagementError('This code isn't under transaction 
>    management'). Is this expected?*
> I have no idea.

> *Django 1.6:*
>    - The database-level auto-commit is turned ON. 
>    - Every database operation via the ORM will be committed using the 
>    database's auto-commit, including any custom SQL executed with the 
> database 
>    cursor. 
>    - The `atomic` decorator / context manager either starts a new 
>    transaction, or creates a new savepoint if it's nested within an existing 
>    transaction. They are committed as long as no exception is raised. 
>    - If ATOMIC_REQUESTS is specified in the database config, all views 
>    are wrapped in `atomic`, unless it's wrapped in `non_atomic_requests`.
> Yes, these four sentences are correct. 

>    - If you set AUTOCOMMIT to False in a database configuration, this 
>    will disable the database-level auto-commit. All DB reads and writes will 
>    need manually wrapping in transactions. *The 
> **docs*<https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/topics/db/sql/#executing-custom-sql-directly>
>    * say that with this disabled, Django won't perform any commits. Does 
>    this mean that the `atomic` decorator won't work properly and you have to 
>    use the underlying database library to handle transactions? In 1.6 it 
> would 
>    appear that Django never performs a commit outside of `atomic`, so I'm 
>    confused by this comment!* 
> First, it's extremely unlikely that you will ever need to set AUTOCOMMIT 
to False. This is only useful if you want to implement your own transaction 
management, and I don't know anyone who's done that, nor a use case for 
doing that. I'd be surprised if this discussion was relevant to a single 
person on this mailing list (but I've been surprised before!). Also, your 
link goes to the 1.5 docs, not the dev docs. This may have confused you.

Anyway, in this scenario, `atomic` will work as expected. When autocommit 
is off, you're always in a transaction, and as a consequence `atomic` uses 
savepoints to guarantee atomicity; it'll never commit. You have to call 
transaction.commit() at some point to save changes.

I hope that helps,


PS: If you weren't at DjangoCon Europe, you might want to check my talk on 
this topic. Slides are at 
http://static.myks.org/data/20130517-DjangoCon-Transactions.pdf and the 
video will hopefully be online in a few weeks.

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