Sure thing :) I'll even give you the stuff that makes my prompt and all

$HOME/.bashrc (partial):




Joey "JoeLinux" Espinosa*

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Chris Lawlor <>wrote:

> Joey,
> Would you be interested in sharing your virtualenvwrapper setup? I assume
> you're using some custom postactivate hooks, looks nice.
> Chris
> On Friday, 31 May 2013 14:23:23 UTC-4, JoeLinux wrote:
>> I've used both PyCharm and SublimeText extensively for months each at a
>> time,
>>  and I swap back and forth every now and then just to see how the other
>> is doing.
>> PyCharm:
>> Pros vs Sublime:
>> - Everything in one package (almost)
>> - Debugging capabilities are excellent and built-in
>> -
>> Virtualenv support and library inspection
>> Sublime:
>> Pros vs PyCharm:
>> - Fast. Fast, fast, fast! Almost every 
>> shortcut/function/correction/**refactoring/feature
>> happens faster in Sublime than PyCharm (sometimes by orders of magnitude)
>> - Vintage (Sublime's Vim keymap) is WAY better than IdeaVIM (PyCharm's).
>> Vim support is crucial for me.
>> - Fonts and colors and animations and basically anything your eyes can
>> look at is ten times more pleasing to the eyes than in PyCharm (Java font
>> rendering is laughably bad)
>> PyCharm cons:
>> - Slow
>> - If you quit/close/upgrade/kill while it's indexing, you'll screw it up
>> and have to select "Invalidate Caches"
>> - Environment variables are not always handled correctly (this will
>> really frustrate you sometimes), and you'll have to define them yourself,
>> or toss them in your virtualenv's postactivate script
>> - Costs $99, with a $59 annual renewal fee
>> Sublime cons:
>> - You are responsible for your own environment (this means runserver,
>> debugging, etc)
>> - Autocompletion does not always work the way you want it to (I've had
>> snippets, Emmet, and CodeIntel conflict with each other many times)
>> - Costs $70 (though it's a one-time fee, compared to PyCharm... and you
>> don't HAVE to pay to use it, as long as you ignore the occasional prompt)
>> One note about Sublime: the first "con" is a big one, because most people
>> don't want to set up their development environment in pieces (I felt the
>> same way at first). However, over time I've learned to love that very
>> aspect, and I appreciate how everything works together better now. I am
>> more content now to leave those programs that are good at something to do
>> what they're good at, rather than let an IDE like PyCharm do it not-as-good
>> (Mercurial support is virtually unusable, for instance). Instead, I've
>> grabbed a few tips from around the web, come up with a few of my own, and
>> now when I drop to the command line and type "workon <project_name>", I'll
>> be greeted with a custom prompt, and a GNU Screen session with several open
>> (and labeled) windows indicating to me what is available in each one
>> (including a runserver, and a Python shell with my virtualenv/Django
>> environment loaded and every installed app/model automatically imported).
>> Looks something like this:
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> (I blurred a few things out because I'm working on a project that isn't
>> public yet)
>> The prompt shows me my user account and computer name, my current
>> directory, and my current branch (works on both Mercurial and Git, so I
>> don't have to do anything special depending on the scm tool I'm using). A
>> little lightning bolt will show up next to the branch name to indicate that
>> I have uncommitted changes, which is pretty cool. Also, it's multi-line, so
>> I have the entire width of the terminal to work on.
>> The bottom bar is my "info bar". It has the name of the project on the
>> left (or initials or whatever), then a list of windows and their names, my
>> computer name, my system load, the date, and time.
>> So day-to-day, I now use SublimeText pretty much exclusively. Sometimes
>> (rarely, but it does happen), I open up PyCharm, but usually only if I
>> desperately need to debug Python variables in the middle of rendering a
>> Django template. It's pretty good for that. Otherwise, Sublime is amazing.
>> Especially amazing if you watch this video in its entirety and learn
>> about SublimeText thoroughly: http://www.****
>> bgcJ6fQo <>
>> HTH
>> --
>> Joey "JoeLinux" Espinosa
>> Python Developer
>> On May 31, 2013 1:23 PM, "Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar" <>
>> wrote:
>>>  +1 for PyCharm. I know many here like Sublime Text also (though it's a
>>> super text editor, not an IDE). Neither are open source, but both work
>>> hard to earn the $$ you spend on them.
>>> _Nik
>>> On 5/31/2013 7:19 AM, Masklinn wrote:
>>> > On 2013-05-31, at 12:54 , tony gair wrote:
>>> >> Python and Django are not my first languages and currently I am using
>>> it
>>> >> like I would a compiled language inside gedit on debian wheezy. I was
>>> >> actually quite surprised to find a lot of people using it on windows
>>> and
>>> >> macs when I went to my local python user group but enough digression!.
>>> >> I was wondering if anyone using debian wheezy can recommend a nice ide
>>> >> (hopefully opensource but if not then relatively inexpenisive) for
>>> django
>>> >> and python?
>>> > PyCharm works very well, though it's not open-source. Inexpensive is
>>> > more of a relative judgement, I've found it worth the price and
>>> > jetbrains regularly does sales on their products. YMMV.
>>> >
>>> --
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