Hi Benjamin,
you can create explicit OneToOne field with parent_link=True

Then you can set different related_name for each model.


Dne Wed, 12 Jun 2013 01:10:40 -0700 (PDT)
Benjamin  Wohlwend <piquad...@gmail.com> napsal(a):

> Hi,
> I have a bit of a problem with inherited reverse relations and django model 
> inheritance. Consider these models:
> class Content(models.Model):
>     display = models.BooleanField()
> class Link(Content):
>     url = models.URLField()
> class Teaser(Content):
>     text = models.TextField()
>     link = models.URLField()
> As we all know, Django uses an implicit OneToOneField for model 
> inheritance. This OneToOneField generates accessors for the reverse 
> relation, which in this case means that objects of the type Content will 
> have a "link" and a "teaser" attribute to access the other side of the 
> one-to-one relation. These attributes are, of course, inherited to the 
> Content subclasses, meaning that Link and Teaser also will have those 
> accessors. But wait, Teaser already defines a link attribute! We got 
> ourselves a nice little name clash.
> While it's perfectly according to the rules of inheritance for Link and 
> Teaser to inherit the "link" and "teaser" reverse relations accessors, it 
> is also a bit nonsensical in this case. As far as I can tell, it's not 
> possible to suppress the creation of these accessors when defining the 
> model inheritance. Any ideas how to get around this (other than "just 
> rename the link attribute in Teaser, silly!")?
> Benjamin
> P.S.: the real use case here is django CMS, with its content plugins all 
> inheriting from a CMSPlugin base class. Since there are e.g. subclasses 
> called Text, Link, and Picture, it's not possible to use field names called 
> "text", "link", or "picture" in a CMSPlugin subclass, which is frustrating 
> and hard to explain to our users.

S pozdravem
  Tomáš Ehrlich

Email:  tomas.ehrl...@gmail.com
Tel:    +420 608 219 889
Jabber: elv...@jabber.cz

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