I am trying to extend the polls tutorial code to use a django form with tests.

I created this form, but ran into some issues when trying to test it. When 
looking up how to test it, I found this form from 
http://toastdriven.com/blog/2011/apr/17/guide-to-testing-in-django-2/ It also 
had tests.

When I try to run those tests on my form I get the error

"_VoteForm is not callable"

"AttributeError: '_VoteForm' object has no attribute 'instance'"

Which form is preferred? How can I write similar tests for _VoteForm

#my form

def vote_form_class(poll):
    choices = [(i.id, _(i.choice_text)) for i in poll.choices.all()]

    class _VoteForm(forms.Form):
        vote = forms.ChoiceField(choices=choices, widget=forms.RadioSelect())

        def save(self):
            if not self.is_valid():
                raise forms.ValidationError("Poll Form was not validated before 

            data = self.cleaned_data
            choice_id = data['vote']
            choice = Choice.objects.get(id=choice_id)

    return _VoteForm

#form with tests

class PollForm(forms.Form):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # We require an ``instance`` parameter.
        self.instance = kwargs.pop('instance')

        # We call ``super`` (without the ``instance`` param) to finish
        # off the setup.
        super(PollForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # We add on a ``choice`` field based on the instance we've got.
        # This has to be done here (instead of declaratively) because the
        # ``Poll`` instance will change from request to request.
        self.fields['choice'] = 
empty_label=None, widget=forms.RadioSelect)

    def save(self):
        if not self.is_valid():
            raise forms.ValidationError("PollForm was not validated first 
before trying to call 'save'.")

        choice = self.cleaned_data['choice']
        return choice

class PollFormTestCase(TestCase):
    fixtures = ['polls_forms_testdata.json']

    def setUp(self):
        super(PollFormTestCase, self).setUp()
        self.poll_1 = Poll.objects.get(pk=1)
        self.poll_2 = Poll.objects.get(pk=2)

    def test_init(self):
        # Test successful init without data.
        form = PollForm(instance=self.poll_1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(form.instance, Poll))
        self.assertEqual(form.instance.pk, self.poll_1.pk)
        self.assertEqual([c for c in form.fields['choice'].choices], [(1, 
u'Yes'), (2, u'No')])

        # Test successful init with data.
        form = PollForm({'choice': 3}, instance=self.poll_2)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(form.instance, Poll))
        self.assertEqual(form.instance.pk, self.poll_2.pk)
        self.assertEqual([c for c in form.fields['choice'].choices], [(3, 
u'Alright.'), (4, u'Meh.'), (5, u'Not so good.')])

        # Test a failed init without data.
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, PollForm)

        # Test a failed init with data.
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, PollForm, {})

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