Forgot to add my specific error:

Exception Type:         AttributeError
Exception Value:        'dict' object has no attribute 'user'
Exception Location: 
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/ in 
auth, line 17

Patrick J. Anderson

Patrick J. Anderson wrote:
> In my project, I have a root template called base.html, which all other 
> templates extend.
> I'd like to create a simple navigation with user information, which I 
> want to write once and put in the base template to be shown on every page.
> I'm not sure what the best way of retrieving information from User 
> object at the template root level is. I've read about RequestContext 
> object and template processors, but the docs are not very clear to me 
> and leave a lot to be guessed. I've followed the guides, but still I 
> can't get User object in my template. But then again, perhaps the 
> solution is simple, and I'm just too dense to see it.
> Below is the very simple view code I'm testing:
> from django.template import RequestContext, loader
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> from myproject.apps.journal.models import Post
> def main(request):
>      posts = Post.objects.filter(is_approved = 
> True).order_by('-time_added')[:5]
>      t = loader.get_template('homepage.html')
>      c = RequestContext({
>          'latest_posts': posts,
>      })
>      return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
> And here's a piece of template from "homepage.html":
> {% block user_nav %}
> <ul id="meta-nav">
> {% if user %}
>       <li><a href="/community/member/{{ user.username }}/">{{ user.first_name 
> }}</a></li>
> {% else %}
>       <li>Anonymous</li>
> {% endif %}
> </ul>
> {% endblock %}
> What am I doing wrong?
> > 

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