Hi Poom. . .You need to make sure that Django AND Python are on your system 
path. I'll run you through how to do that. . .Right click on "My Computer", 
choose "Properties", on the "Properties Window" choose the "Advanced Tab", 
then choose "Environment Variable". In that window it'll be divided into 2 
different sections, you want the one that says "System Variables". Locate 
the entry that says "Path", click on it to highlight, then choose "Edit". 
Another window will open with your system paths in it highlighted (be 
careful to NOT hit delete!!!), click on it so it's no longer highlighted 
and use the right arrow key to get to the end. Put a semi colon after the 
last entry (semi colon separates each entry), then you need to add your 
python path. For instance mine is "C:\Python27" and to be safe (can't 
remember if this is required) put your path to "Scripts", in other words 
mine is "C:\Python27\Scripts\". . .Now you have to add the path to the 
django lib, which in my case is 
That should solve your problem. In my sys path I've also included 
"C:\Python27\django-chris" which is the path to my project. .Not sure if 
that's necessary or not, but it won't hurt to put it in there.

Here's a good article explaining this on 
"http://wiki.thinkhole.org/howto:django_on_windows"; and 
. .Like others said, you need to get pip and or easy_intall loaded for 
Python, because it will allow you to EASILY add things like Django and 
other packages. Just google the instructions for that. . .I hope this 
helps. If not , just post your what happens and I'll help yoy.

Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\Documents and Settings\Chris 
and Settings\Chris 
Kavanagh\Desktop\emacs-24.3-bin-i386\emacs-24.3\bin;C:\Documents and 

On Saturday, September 21, 2013 4:27:33 PM UTC-4, Poom Buncha wrote:
> Hi all
> First off, I like to say that I am a beginner to everything related to 
> computing. So I have to appologize a head of time if what I am asking is 
> common sense.
> I'm trying to install Django on my windows computer
> So I install Python 2.7 (and went throught the tutorial) 
> I downloaded the django tar file. and extracted the content using 7zip 
> program. 
> I did not know where to put it so I put it into the Python folder
> when I open up a comand prompt for python I type in "import django" 
> and "django.get_version()" those commands seem to run fine
> but when I type in  
> "django-admin.py startproject mysite" I get an error message that say the 
> name admin is not define. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
> Thank you for any help you can provide. And if anyone have any tip and 
> best practices that they can share with me about getting started in Django 
> it will be greatly appreciated
> Poom B

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