Forgot to say, the model I'm  trying to create an object to has the user as a OneToOne relationship, which apparently MySQL does not like very much.

Why? Because phpMyAdmin, when accessing the homepage for the model's datatable, says this:

PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `user_id`

Does this run deeper than I thought?

Thakns a million for your help,


On 10/4/06, Carlos Yoder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello guys,

I'm experiencing a weird thing. On my production setup, an OperationalError exception is being triggered while trying to invoke an AddManipulator.

I've zeroed in down to this (excerpt of my view follows)

def userprofile_add(request):
    """ Handle adding new userprofiles (one2one rel to User objects) """

    from django import forms

    manipulator = UserProfile.AddManipulator ()

    if request.POST:
        # If data was POSTed, we're trying to create a new UserProfile.
        new_data = request.POST.copy()

        # Check for errors.
        errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors (new_data)

        if not errors:
            # No errors. This means we can save the data!
            new_userprofile =

            # Redirect to the object's "edit" page. Always use a redirect
            # after POST data, so that reloads don't accidently create
            # duplicate entires, and so users don't see the confusing
            # "Repost POST data?" alert box in their browsers.
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/my_data/")
        # No POST, so we want a brand new form without any data or errors.
        errors = new_data = {}

As you can see, this is ver simple AddManipulator. For some reason my  request MultiValueDict has properly set a NOT NULL value I pass via a hidden HTML input field, but the new_data dict doesn't. This field is the ubiquitous "user_id", that comes from request.user. As I said, it's properly passed from the form, and seen by request.POST... only new_data lacks it (it's set to None).

So, this should be centered aroudn either request.POST.copy() or do_html2python(), right?

This is funny, since on my dev environment (sqlite+windows) everything runs smoothly. This error only occurs on the production environment, which is on Bluehost (mysql+Linux).

Any ideas? I'm very very very close of finishing my first Django project, yay!

Best regards,

Carlos Yoder

Carlos Yoder
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