You are welcome! I hope you succeed in your work.


Il 05/ott/2013 22:42 "+Emmanuel" <> ha scritto:

> Leo,
> Finally got it working and was able to display the data in the respective
> table as desired. Thank you very much.
> I appreciate you patience in helping me understand the 'why' and not just
> 'how' I should do it in a particular way; and for the advice on Django best
> practices. I can't thank you enough!
> On Friday, October 4, 2013 10:23:38 AM UTC+3, Leo wrote:
>> Emmanuel,
>> for examperiod I'd simply write
>> [...]
>> for period in ['DECEMBER 2011', 'MAY 2011', 'DECEMBER 2010']:
>>         context['periods'][period] = Results.objects.all().filter(\
>>                reg_number = 'DBA/20020/82/DU').filter(**
>> examperiod=period)
>> [...]
>> Just be careful when dealing with such comparisons since values must be
>> exactly the same; to state it clearly: this works always if the period
>> strings ("DECEMBER 2011", ...) are machine-generated and do not come from a
>> form (user input).
>> However, check this 
>> page<>which contains 
>> a very detailed analysis of Django query system.
>> Speaking about the templates: first of all do not take my code as the
>> source of the truth, things can be done in several ways.
>> Given that, I try to give you a bigger picture that hopefully helps you
>> understanding how to step further.
>> When introducing Django I always stress the separation between views and
>> templates, which is the base concept of the whole framework (MVT -
>> Model/View/Template).
>> Views are Python functions. Their purpose is to produce data and to
>> return data, just like any function in this world =)
>> Jokes apart, views are MOST OF THE TIME used to fetch data from the DB
>> through models and to return templates rendered in HTTP responses, so that
>> a browser can show them.
>> So, putting it simply: views extract data, templates show them (this is
>> somehow simplistic, but is a good starting point).
>> Templates are text files that are joined with a dictionary through the
>> Django template language. Most notably you can insert in the template
>> elements of the dictionary just inserting "{{ key }}" where "key" is the
>> dictionary key you want to fetch. If the value you get from the dictionary
>> is an object or another dictionary, you can use the dotted notation to
>> access its attributes or keys. So if you write in a template {{ obj }} the
>> template expects you to pass a dictionary which contains the key 'obj' and
>> some value that can be printed. If you write {{ }} the template
>> expects you to pass a dictionary that contains the key 'obj', which in turn
>> is something that can be accessed through the 'name' attribute lookup; for
>> example, a Python object with a 'name' attribute.
>> Context is the dictionary that the view passes to the template when
>> calling render_to_response().
>> So my advice was to select what you pass in the context, since passing
>> locals() is overkill; you pass the template every variable you have, and
>> this can result in passing a very big dictionary! Moreover, it is not clear
>> to another programmer (that is you in a month) what the template really
>> needs. If you template is made to represent a set of objects in table just
>> extract the set of objects and pass them to the view. To give you an
>> example:
>> *MODEL*
>> class Exam(models.Model):
>>     label = models.CharField(max_length=**30)
>> *VIEW*
>> def someview(request):
>>     my_list_of_objects = Exam.objects.filter(label='**somelabel')
>>     context = {'objects':my_list_of_objects}
>>     return render_to_response('results.**html', context,
>> context_instance = RequestContext(request))
>> [...]
>> <table>
>> {% for obj in objects %}
>>         <td><tr>{{obj.label}}</tr></**td>
>> {% endfor %}
>> </table>
>> [...]
>> This can also be written (and is perfectly correct):
>> *VIEW*
>> def someview(request):
>>     my_list_of_objects = *[exam.label for exam in*Exam.objects.filter(label='
>> **somelabel')*]*
>>     context = {'object':my_list_of_object}
>>     return render_to_response('results.**html', context,
>> context_instance = RequestContext(request))
>> [...]
>> <table>
>> {% for obj in objects %}
>>         <td><tr>{{obj}}</tr></td>
>> {% endfor %}
>> </table>
>> [...]
>> (Please note that in the second example I left the previous nomenclature
>> for clarity's sake - in a real case I'd call the values 'labels' and not
>> 'objects')
>> Hope this helps you. Regards,
>> Leo
>> Leonardo Giordani
>> Author of The Digital Cat <>
>> My profile on <> - My GitHub
>> page <> - My Coderwall 
>> profile<>
>> 2013/10/3 +Emmanuel <>
>>> Thanks for the update and the code. Been trying to make sense of the
>>> code and trying to get it to work. This is my first project so I still have
>>> some challenges:
>>>    - My model contains a field examperiod = models.CharField(max_length
>>>    = 100) which I need to use to filter. How exactly do I apply that in
>>>    <further_filter_by_period>. I can't seem to get it to work.
>>>    - The code you provided to be used in the template is a little
>>>    difficult for me to comprehend. Previously, I could use query.coursecode,
>>>    query.examcode, etc to populate the specific cells in the table. I
>>>    can't seem to figure out how to do that with the new piece of code.
>>> Thanks for the help :)
>>> On Wednesday, October 2, 2013 4:32:22 PM UTC+3, Leo wrote:
>>>> Ok, now I get the point. I STRONGLY suggest to avoid performing big
>>>> computations while rendering templates, so I think it is better for you to
>>>> try something like
>>>> def results_page(request):
>>>>     context = {}
>>>>     context.update(locals())
>>>>     context['periods'] = {}
>>>>     for period in ['DECEMBER 2011', 'MAY 2011', 'DECEMBER 2010']:
>>>>         context['periods'][period] = Results.objects.all().filter(\
>>>>                reg_number = 'DBA/20020/82/DU').filter(<**fur**
>>>> ther_filter_by_period>)
>>>>     return render_to_response('results.**ht**ml', context,
>>>> context_instance = RequestContext(request))
>>>> and in template
>>>> {% for period,results in periods.items %}
>>>>     <table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
>>>>     [...]
>>>>     Here you can use {{period}}, which is in turn 'DECEMBER 2011', 'MAY
>>>> 2011', and so on, and
>>>>     {{result}} that encompasses the values extracted from the DB.
>>>>     [...]
>>>>     </table>
>>>> {% endfor %}
>>>> I included a filter(<further_filter_by_**peri**od>) since I do not
>>>> know the models, so I do not know how you can filter out by examination
>>>> period.
>>>> Please note that I would not pass the whole locals() dict to the view,
>>>> but carefully select what I need in the template.
>>>> Speaking about your filter
>>>> @register.filter
>>>> def periodofexamination(periodofex****am):
>>>>     periodofexam = ['DECEMBER 2011', 'MAY 2011', 'DECEMBER 2010']
>>>>     for period in periodofexam:
>>>>         return period
>>>> I think you misunderstood the filter role, which is, indeed, to filter,
>>>> things. Here, the input periodofexam variable is not filtered, but
>>>> overwritten. Furthermore, you use return in a for loop, so the result of
>>>> your filter is 'DECEMBER 2011' irrespective of the input value.
>>>> Please check the above code, I wrote it directly in the mail composer,
>>>> so bugs are certainly lurking.
>>>> Let me know if you succeed in solving the problem
>>>> Leo
>>>> Leonardo Giordani
>>>> Author of The Digital Cat <>
>>>> My profile on <> - My GitHub
>>>> page <> - My Coderwall 
>>>> profile<>
>>>> 2013/10/2 +Emmanuel <>
>>>>>  Here's the view:
>>>>> def results_page(request):
>>>>>     queryset = Results.objects.all().filter(**r**eg_number =
>>>>> 'DBA/20020/82/DU')
>>>>>     return render_to_response('results.**ht**ml', locals(),
>>>>> context_instance = RequestContext(request))
>>>>> Please note that, so far, there's nothing wrong with the view. Using
>>>>> the custom filter at the output level is where the issue is.
>>>>> What I want to do is something close to this (note the bold items):
>>>>> *{% for query in queryset|periodofexamination %}*
>>>>>     <table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
>>>>>     <thead><th>Course Code</th><th>Course Name</th><th>Course
>>>>> Work</th><th>Exam</th><th>**Grad**e</th><th>GPA</th><th>**Year</**th><th>Exam
>>>>> Period</th></thead>
>>>>>     <tr><td>{{ query.coursecode}}</td><td>{{**q**
>>>>> uery.coursename}}</td><td>{{**qu**ery.coursework}}</td><td>{{**que**
>>>>> ry.exam}}</td><td>{{query.**exam**|grade}}</td><td>{{query.**exam|**
>>>>> gpa}}</td><td>{{query.**academic**year}}</td><td>{{**query.**
>>>>> examperiod}}</td></tr>
>>>>> </table>
>>>>> {% endfor %}
>>>>> {% endblock %}
>>>>> On Wednesday, October 2, 2013 3:00:40 PM UTC+3, Leo wrote:
>>>>>> Can you perhaps paste the view you are using to render the template?
>>>>>> So I can try and help your with some code
>>>>>> Leonardo Giordani
>>>>>> Author of The Digital Cat <>
>>>>>> My profile on <> - My GitHub
>>>>>> page <> - My Coderwall 
>>>>>> profile<>
>>>>>> 2013/10/2 +Emmanuel <>
>>>>>>>  That's what I have been trying to do for quite sometime now! I
>>>>>>> can't seem to get the code right.
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, October 2, 2013 2:13:25 PM UTC+3, Leo wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'd cycle in the template through a list of exam periods, printing
>>>>>>>> a table for each cycle.
>>>>>>>> You have to pass the list of exam periods in the context of your
>>>>>>>> view.
>>>>>>>> Try and let me know.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Leo
>>>>>>>> Leonardo Giordani
>>>>>>>> Author of The Digital Cat <>
>>>>>>>> My profile on <> - My GitHub
>>>>>>>> page <> - My Coderwall 
>>>>>>>> profile<>
>>>>>>>> 2013/10/2 +Emmanuel <>
>>>>>>>>>  Am working on a Django project that retrieves a student's
>>>>>>>>> details from the database, filters them based on the 'period of
>>>>>>>>> examination' (this is implemented as a python list in a custom 
>>>>>>>>> filter) and
>>>>>>>>> displays the output.
>>>>>>>>> *Here is my custom filter:*
>>>>>>>>> @register.filter
>>>>>>>>> def periodofexamination(**periodofex******am):
>>>>>>>>>     periodofexam = ['DECEMBER 2011', 'MAY 2011', 'DECEMBER 2010']
>>>>>>>>>     for period in periodofexam:
>>>>>>>>>         return period
>>>>>>>>> *The template for displaying the output:*
>>>>>>>>> {% extends 'base.html' %}
>>>>>>>>> {% load results_extras %}
>>>>>>>>> {% block title %}My Results{% endblock %}
>>>>>>>>> {% block content %}
>>>>>>>>> <h3> My Tentative Examination Results</h3>
>>>>>>>>> <div class="alert alert-info">The results displayed below are
>>>>>>>>> tentative and for information purposes only.</div>
>>>>>>>>>     <table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
>>>>>>>>>     <thead><th>Course Code</th><th>Course Name</th><th>Course
>>>>>>>>> Work</th><th>Exam</th><th>**Grad******e</th><th>GPA</th><th>**
>>>>>>>>> Year</**th****><th>Exam Period</th></thead>
>>>>>>>>> {% for query in queryset %}
>>>>>>>>>     <tr><td>{{ query.coursecode}}</td><td>{{**q******
>>>>>>>>> uery.coursename}}</td><td>{{**qu******ery.coursework}}</td><td>{{*
>>>>>>>>> *que******ry.exam}}</td><td>{{query.**exam******
>>>>>>>>> |grade}}</td><td>{{query.**exam|******gpa}}</td><td>{{query.**
>>>>>>>>> academic******year}}</td><td>{{**query.**examper****
>>>>>>>>> iod}}</td></tr>
>>>>>>>>> {% endfor %}
>>>>>>>>> </table>
>>>>>>>>> {% endblock %}
>>>>>>>>> *The output:*
>>>>>>>>> See the attached file (screenshot.png)
>>>>>>>>> *The challenge:*
>>>>>>>>> I would like to be able have the student results for a given exam
>>>>>>>>> period to appear each in their own table, for instance, all the 
>>>>>>>>> results for
>>>>>>>>> exam period 'December 2011' should be in one table, all the results 
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> exam period 'December 2010' should be in a different table. 
>>>>>>>>> Currently, all
>>>>>>>>> the results appear in one table.
>>>>>>>>> How do I implement this using a custom filter?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
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