Thanks Tom it worked! :)

On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 12:18:23 PM UTC+1, Pepsodent Cola wrote:
> How can I forloop this count() in my template code?
> * I have attached my project files that you might run and see for 
> yourselves.
> * I have attached a screenshot of the table I'm working on.
> * User/Pass = joe/joe
> def index(request):
>     publications = Publication.objects.all()
>     articles = Article.objects.all()
> *    sum_publications = Publication.objects.filter(article__pk=1).count()*
>     context = {'publications':publications, 'articles':articles, 
> 'sum_publications':sum_publications}
>     return render(request, 'magazine/index.html', context)
> <article>
>     <h1>How many Publications was each Article in?</h1>
> {% if articles %}
>     <table border="1">
>     <tr>
>         <th>Article id</th>
>         <th>Article</th>
>         <th>Publication</th>
>     </tr>
>     {% for row in articles %}
>     <tr>
>         <td>{{ }}</td>
>         <td>{{ row.headline }}</td>
>         <td>*total*</td>
>     </tr>
>     {% endfor %}
>     </table>
> {% else %}
>     <p>No Articles are available.</p>
> {% endif %}
> *<!-- TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable -->*
> {% if 666sum_publications %}
>     <ul>
>     {% for row in sum_publications %}
>         <li>{{ row }}</li>
>     {% endfor %}
>     </ul>
> {% else %}
>     <p>No sums are available.</p>
> {% endif %}
>     <hr>
> </article>

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