I've used something like this before (in urls.py), which uses the
runserver to set it up (non-threaded of course, but it's not too much
of a problem for a single user on localhost):

# Serve files
# - if file_server is None, then we get Django to try to do
#   it out of /files  anyone using this on a production
#   website should be beaten. Use a lightweight
#   fileserver ( Zeus, thttpd, lighthttpd, or an optimised
#   Apache ) instead.
if settings.MNEMOSYNE_SETTINGS['file_server'] == None:
    urlpatterns += patterns('',
        ( r'^files/(?P<path>.*)', 'django.views.static.serve',
        {   'document_root': settings.MNEMOSYNE_SETTINGS['filepath'],
            'show_indexes':True } ),

I've also used SimpleHTTPServer to do this on a different port.

Neither of which are the most elegant of solutions, but they work...


Rob Hudson wrote:
> One thing I did realize is the static media would still need to be
> served.  That would preferably happen with a light weight web server
> with threaded support.  I think there's lot of options there (twisted,
> lighttpd, others).  That also means opening 2 ports... one for Django
> and one for the media server.
> I don't know... is it possible to serve static files with the built-in
> WSGI web server in Django?  Even if it is, I don't believe the built-in
> server is multi-threaded.
> -Rob

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