Thanks for your reply.
Your suggestion works but I need the friends (User models) of a given user
(User model) in this case.
This join (friends of an user) is also used at several other places to get
stuff (comments for example) made by friends of an user.

Arthur Pires Ribeiro Silva
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
(34) 9187-4731

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 2:51 PM, C. Kirby <> wrote:

> Why not just Friendship.objects.filter(user__pk = 32, status__in =
> [Friendship.FRIEND, Friendship.FAVORITE]) That will give you a QuerySet of
> all the friendships a user has. If you just want the list of friends then
> extend that query with a values_list like so:
> Friendship.objects.filter(user__pk = 32, status__in = [Friendship.FRIEND,
> Friendship.FAVORITE]) .values_list('friend', flat=True)
> On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 8:50:09 AM UTC-6, Arthur Silva wrote:
>>  I want to query the friends of an User but I'm struggling to get the
>> correct query.
>> Models:
>> class User(AbstractUser, TimestampedModel, SerializeMixin):
>>     city = models.CharField(max_length=60, blank=True)
>>     picture = models.URLField(blank=True)
>>     cover_picture = models.URLField(blank=True)
>>     phone = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True)
>>     access_token = models.CharField(max_length=32, blank=True,
>> null=True, db_index=True)
>>     facebook_token = models.CharField(max_length=1024, blank=True,
>> null=True)
>>     facebook_id = models.BigIntegerField(blank=True, null=True,
>> db_index=True)
>>     twitter_token = models.CharField(max_length=1024, blank=True,
>> null=True)
>>     twitter_id = models.BigIntegerField(blank=True, null=True,
>> unique=True)
>>     friends = models.ManyToManyField("self", through="Friendship",
>> symmetrical=False)
>> class Friendship(TimestampedModel, SerializeMixin):
>>     PENDING = "pending"
>>     FRIEND = "friend"
>>     FAVORITE = "favorite"
>>         (PENDING, "Pending"),
>>         (FRIEND, "Friend"),
>>         (FAVORITE, "Favorite")
>>     )
>>     user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="friendships")
>>     friend = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="friendships_reverse")
>>     status = models.CharField(max_length=20, default=PENDING,
>> choices=STATUS_CHOICES)
>> Query I'm trying to make
>>         id = 32 # I want friends from this user
>>         friends = User.objects.extra(select={"friendship_status":
>> "status"}). \
>>             filter(Q(friendships_reverse__user_id=id),
>> ~Q(friendships_reverse__status=Friendship.PENDING))
>> But the generated query is quite weird:
>> SELECT (status) AS `friendship_status`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`id`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`password`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`last_login`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`is_superuser`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`username`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`first_name`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`last_name`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`email`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`is_staff`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`is_active`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`date_joined`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`created_at`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`updated_at`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`city`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`picture`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`cover_picture`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`phone`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`access_token`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`facebook_token`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`facebook_id`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`twitter_token`,
>>        `myapp_user`.`twitter_id`
>> FROM `myapp_user`
>> INNER JOIN `myapp_friendship` ON (`myapp_user`.`id` =
>> `myapp_friendship`.`friend_id`)
>> WHERE (`myapp_friendship`.`user_id` = 32
>>        AND NOT ((`myapp_user`.`id` IN
>>                    (SELECT U1.`friend_id`
>>                     FROM `myapp_friendship` U1
>>                     WHERE (U1.`status` = 'pending'
>>                            AND U1.`friend_id` IS NOT NULL))
>>                  AND `myapp_user`.`id` IS NOT NULL)))
>> Where clause should be as simple as:
>> `myapp_friendship`.`user_id` = 32 AND `myapp_friendship` != 'pending'
>> Can someone shed some light? This kind of issue is appearing all over my
>> application.
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