
       Is it possible to use this with the generic view?

Javier Rivera wrote:
> viestards escribió:
> >> Using the 'date' filter, you can format the output however you want,
> >> within templates.
> >>
> >> For example, to format a date as "September 17, 2006", you would do
> >> the following in a template:
> >>
> >> {{ object.pub_date|date:"F d, Y" }}
> >
> > thanks for reply, but will it work on forms?
> I use a small dirty trick. It's dirty, but I feel it's easier and
> quicker than building custom validators/manipulators.
> I have a small function:
> ----------------------------------------------
> def cadena_a_fecha(strfecha):
>      # Eliminamos todos los posibles separadores
>      strfecha=strfecha.replace("-","")
>      strfecha=strfecha.replace("/","")
>      strfecha=strfecha.replace(" ","")
>      strfecha=strfecha.replace(".","")
>      # Probamos varios metodos
>      try:
>          fecha=time.strptime(strfecha,"%d%m%y")
>      except ValueError :
>          fecha=time.strptime(strfecha,"%d%m%Y")
>      return datetime.date(fecha[0],fecha[1],fecha[2])
> ------------------------------------------
> It takes a string, removes the usual data separators and try to convert
> it to a datetime using the python strptime.
> In the form view code I did something like that
> --------------------------------
> def formulario(request,visita_id):
> <split>
>      if request.POST :
>          datos = request.POST.copy()
>          errores = manipulador.get_validation_errors(datos)
>          if errores.has_key('Fecha') :
>              # Error de fecha, vamos a intentar convertirla
>              try:
>                  fecha = cadena_a_fecha(datos['Fecha'])
>              except :
>                  pass
>              else :
>                  datos['Fecha']=fecha.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
>                  errores=manipulador.get_validation_errors(datos)
> <split>
> -------------------------------
> I use the usual form stuff. But if I detect an error on the date field
> (Fecha in Spanish) I just throw the string to the previous function. If
> it doesn't raise an exception I use the return to build a sting that
> django will accept and call get_validation_errors again.
> It's not pretty, not very portable, prone to break when the main
> manipulator code/system change, but... well it's easy.
> Javier.

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