
I finally got around to trying this. It all worked perfectly until I
tried to access the MSSQL server from django. That fails with:

mod_wsgi (pid=27541): Exception occurred processing WSGI script
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/handlers/",
line 243, in __call__
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/dispatch/",
line 170, in send
    response = receiver(signal=self, sender=sender, **named)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/",
line 58, in reset_queries
    for conn in connections.all():
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/",
line 105, in all
    return [self[alias] for alias in self]
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/",
line 93, in __getitem__
    backend = load_backend(db['ENGINE'])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/",
line 45, in load_backend
    raise ImproperlyConfigured(error_msg)
ImproperlyConfigured: 'django.db.backends.sql_server.pyodbc' isn't an
available database backend.
Try using 'django.db.backends.XXX', where XXX is one of:
    u'mysql', u'oracle', u'postgresql_psycopg2', u'sqlite3'
Error was: No module named sql_server.pyodbc.base

Any ideas?

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 12:26 AM, Fred Stluka <> wrote:
> Larry,
> I did it a long complicated way, but we recently had 2 new people
> join our team, and refined the process for them, and it seemed to
> go smoothly, so here's what they did.
> Some sections differ for Mac vs Linux, and some even for different
> Linux distros, but it should all work.  I'm including all of it, even
> the part about how to install Python, Django, virtualenv, etc., which
> you probably already have, and MySQL, which you are not using so
> you can skip.
> The following document is in Markdown format.
> HHL is the name of our project.  Change it to your own project name.
> Let me know how it works!
> # Setting up your development environment.
> ## Install Python 2.7, if it's not already on your system.
> ### Mac
> The Mac comes preinstalled with a 2.7 version of Python. Double-check the
> version as shown:
>     $ /usr/bin/python --version
>     Python 2.7.5
> If you don't get a 2.7 version of Python, or if you get a
> "No such file or directory" error, install your own version of Python via
> the [Homebrew][] package manager:
>     $ brew install python
> ### Linux
> If your Linux system doesn't already have a version of Python, install
> one with the package manager.
> For Ubuntu and Debian:
>     $ sudo apt-get install python
> On CentOS (and, presumably, Fedora and RedHat), see
> <>.
> ## Install `virtualenv`
> Mac:
> The version of Python that comes pre-installed on the Mac comes with
> `easy_install`, so you can use that to install `virtualenv`:
>     $ sudo /usr/bin/easy_install virtualenv
> Linux:
> You can either use your system's package manager (e.g.,
> `sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv` on Ubuntu and Debian), or you can
> install `virtualenv` manually, as described at
> <>.
> ## Create and activate a virtual environment
> Where you put the environment is up to you; the following is just an
> example:
>     $ virtualenv ~/pythons/hhl
> Confirm that you did, indeed, create a Python 2.7 virtual environment:
>     $ ~/pythons/hhl/bin/python
>     Python 2.7.5 (default, Nov 19 2013, 10:30:44)
>     [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.2.79)] on darwin
>     Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>     >>>
> Activate that environment:
>     $ source ~/pythons/hhl/bin/activate
> ## Install MySQL
> Mac:
> Again, it's easiest to use [Homebrew][]:
>     $ brew install mysql
> After installing MySQL, homebrew will display suggestions on how to get
> set up. Follow those instructions.
> Linux:
> You'll need both MySQL and the MySQL development files. Without the latter,
> you won't be able to build the MySQL Python driver.
> For Ubuntu and Debian:
>     $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
> On CentOS (and, presumably, Fedora and RedHat):
>     $ sudo yum -y install mysql-devel
> ## Install the Python MySQL driver
>     $ pip install MySQL-python
> ## Install non-Python ODBC libraries and tools
> ### Install unixODBC
> Mac:
>     $ brew install unixodbc
> The `odbcinst.ini` file ends up in `/usr/local/etc/`.
> Linux:
>     $ sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev  # Ubuntu and Debian
>     $ sudo yum -y install unixODBC-devel # CentOS, RedHat, and Fedora
> The `odbcinst.ini` file ends up in `/etc/`.
> ### Install FreeTDS
> Mac:
>     $ brew install freetds --with-unixodbc
> Note that the `freetds.conf` file ends up in `/usr/local/etc/freetds.conf`.
> Installing this Homebrew package also provides the `tsql` command, which
> can be useful for testing.
> Linux:
> This package is typically available via the Linux package manager.
> For Ubuntu and Debian:
>     $ sudo apt-get install freetds-dev tdsodbc
> The `freetds.conf` file ends up in `/etc/freetds/`. If you need the
> `tsql` program (useful for testing), you also need the `freetds-bin`
> package:
>     $ sudo apt-get install freetds-bin
> On CentOS (and, presumably, Fedora and RedHat):
>     $ sudo yum -y install freetds-devel
> The `freetds.conf` file ends up in `/etc/`.
> ### Configure unixODBC and FreeTDS
> This blog post provides a good overview of the process:
> <>
> (NOTE: Those instructions talk about setting up a `$HOME/.odbcinst.ini`.
> That file does not appear to be necessary.)
> Find your `odbcinst.ini` file (see the section, above, on installing
> `unixODBC`), and make its contents look like this.
>     [FreeTDS]
>     Description             = FreeTDS MSSQL
>     # If you're on Linux, uncomment the following settings.
>     #Driver                  = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
>     #Driver64                = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
>     #Setup                   = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
>     #Setup64                 = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
>     # Mac settings
>     Driver                  = /usr/local/lib/
>     Driver64                = /usr/local/lib/
>     UsageCount              = 2
>     CPTimeout               =
>     CPTimeToLive            =
>     DisableGetFunctions     =
>     DontDLCLose             =
>     ExFetchMapping          =
>     Threading               =
>     FakeUnicode             =
>     IconvEncoding           =
>     Trace                   =
>     TraceFile               =
>     TraceLibrary            =
> Next, add this section to your `freetds.conf` file (see the section,
> above, on installing FreeTDS, for the location on your operation system):
>     :::ini
>     [_your_odbc_dsn_name_]
>         host = _your_db_host_name_or_ip_
>         port = _your_db_port_number_
>         tds version = 7.0
> ## Create the requirements.txt file, containing:
>     Django==1.4.2
>     MySQL-python==1.2.4
>     pyodbc==3.0.7
>     -e
> git+
> ## Install all the packages
>     $ pip install -r requirements.txt
> ### Mac OS X note
> The `pyodbc` package that _pip_ installs uses iODBC by default. We want it
> to use `unixODBC`, instead, for a couple reasons.
> * First, there are numerous sites on the Internet that make claims such as
>   "iODBC is a slightly less desirable ODBC manager than unixODBC"
> (
>   More people _seem_ to have better luck with `unixODBC`.
> * Second, we're using `unixODBC` on Linux, and the configuration is already
>   complicated enough. So, why not just use the same approach on both
> platforms?
> To get `pyodbc` to use `unixODBC` on the mac, you have to build it from
> source,
> and you have to hack the ``. Here's how to do it.
> Create the pyodbc1.patch file containing:
>     ***    2013-12-19 21:49:10.000000000 -0500
>     ---    2013-12-19 21:35:21.000000000 -0500
>     ***************
>     *** 145,151 ****
>           elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
>     !         # OS/X now ships with iODBC.
>     !         settings['libraries'].append('iodbc')
>               # Apple has decided they won't maintain the iODBC system in
> OS/X and has added deprecation warnings in 10.8.
>               # For now target 10.7 to eliminate the warnings.
>     --- 145,151 ----
>           elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
>     !         # OS/X now ships with iODBC. We need unixodbc, however.
>     !         settings['libraries'].append('odbc')
>               # Apple has decided they won't maintain the iODBC system in
> OS/X and has added deprecation warnings in 10.8.
>               # For now target 10.7 to eliminate the warnings.
> Do these steps:
>     $ . ~/pythons/hhl/bin/activate
>     $ cd /tmp
>     $ git clone
>     $ cd pyodbc
>     $ patch < pyodbc1.patch
>     $ pip uninstall pyodbc
>     $ python install
> ## Install the SQL Server ODBC backend
> `pip install` does not completely install the SQL Server ODBC backend, so
> there's one more manual step. You must manually copy some software within
> your Python virtual environment.
>     $ cd ~/pythons/hhl/lib/python2.7/site-packages
>     $ cp -r ../../../src/sql-server.pyodbc/sql_server django/db/backends
> ## Set up your Django environment, by adding this to
>     DATABASES = {
>         'cf': {
>             'ENGINE'    : 'django.db.backends.sql_server.pyodbc',
>             'NAME'      : '_your_db_name_',
>             'USER'      : '_your_db_username_',
>             'PASSWORD'  : '_your_db_password_',
>             # ODBC DSN defined in /etc/freetds.conf
>             'HOST'      : '_your_odbc_dsn_name_',
>             # Ignored for Windows; Required for Linux
>             'OPTIONS'   : {
>                 # ODBC driver name in /etc/odbcinst.ini
>                 'driver': 'FreeTDS',
>             },
>         },
>     }
> ## Verify that Python can get to the SQL Server database
> At this point, you should be able to open a connection to the HHL test
> SQL Server database as follows:
>     $ python
>     Python 2.7.5+ (default, Sep 19 2013, 13:48:49)
>     [GCC 4.8.1] on linux2
>     Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>     >>> import pyodbc
>     >>> conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER=FreeTDS;'
>                               'SERVER=_your_db_host_name_or_ip_;'
>                               'PORT=_your_db_port_number_;'
>                               'DATABASE=_your_db_name_;'
>                               'UID=_your_db_username_;'
>                               'PWD=_your_db_password_')
>     >>> conn
>     <pyodbc.Connection object at 0x7f6df62d5f80>
> ## Initialize your database
>     $ python syncdb
> ## Fire it up!
>     $ python runserver
> [Homebrew]:
> Good luck!
> --Fred
> ________________________________
> Fred Stluka -- --
> Bristle Software, Inc -- -- Glad to be of service!
> Open Source: Without walls and fences, we need no Windows or Gates.
> ________________________________
> On 1/19/14 6:31 PM, Larry Martell wrote:
> Fred-
> This project has been put on the back burner for a few weeks, but I
> will be getting back to it. If you could dig up your notes on this,
> that would be really great.
> Thanks very much!
> -larry
> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 7:01 AM, Fred Stluka <> wrote:
> Larry,
> We tried django-mssql and gave up.  Much better luck with
> django-pyodbc.  We use the avidal version of it, along with pyodbc,
> FreeTDS, and unixODBC.  Works perfectly.  If you like, I can dig up
> my notes on exactly how we made the connection from Django to
> MS SQL Server.
> --Fred
> ________________________________
> Fred Stluka -- --
> Bristle Software, Inc -- -- Glad to be of service!
> Open Source: Without walls and fences, we need no Windows or Gates.
> ________________________________
> On 1/14/14 6:15 PM, Larry Martell wrote:
> I am trying to connect to a MS SQL server from django on Linux using
> Vernon Cole's django-mssql package
> (
> When I first tried to connect it failed with:
> Exception Type: DatabaseError at /report/CDSEM/EventsTable/
> Exception Value: Cannot create connection
> to=PYRO:ado.connect...@xx.xx.xx.xx:9099
> I traced it through
> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/adodbapi/ and I see it tries
> to access os.environ['PROXY_PORT'], which is not defined and then it
> defaults to 9099 - Is that the correct port or should I set
> os.environ['PROXY_PORT']? How can I tell what port MS SQL db is
> listening on? I googled this and it said the default MS SQL port is
> 1433. I set os.environ['PROXY_PORT'] to that and now I don't get that
> error but it times out:
> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Pyro4-4.22-py2.6.egg/Pyro4/
> -> return self.__send(self.__name, args, kwargs)
> (Pdb) n
> TimeoutError: TimeoutE...imeout',)
> I tried opening port 1433 with iptables, but still no joy.
> I can connect to the MS SQL db locally from the host it's running so I
> know it's up and my credentials are correct, and I can ping the
> Windows box from the Linux host I am running on, so I know there is
> connectivity to it from there.
> Anyone here ever get this working? Anyone have any ideas as to what my
> problem is or how I can debug this further?
> Thanks!
> -larry
> --
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