Hi Guys,

I am building a django app that runs out of my /Users/me/Dropbox directory.

Localhost is pointed at my /Users/me/Sites directory.

mod_wsgi installed.

apache installed

django installed and app working fine in development mode

I am trying to embed media in a template

This media comes from a directory outside of the django app - in the root 
of the machine - /PROYECTOS

The permissions for the directories and preceding directories are readable 
by _www

I think that I understand that

- mod_wsgi will serve the dynamic files

- apache will serve the static files like the css and template files, as 
well as the media files I am referencing in the /PROYECTOS directory

I have the following in my settings.py:

STATICFILES_DIRS = (os.path.join(BASE, "static"), )

STATIC_URL = "/static/"


WSGI_APPLICATION = 'mbrain.wsgi.application'

In the /etc/apache2/extra/vhosts/localhost.conf I have:

<VirtualHost *:80>

 DocumentRoot "/Users/me/Sites/localhost"

ServerName localhost

 WSGIDaemonProcess localhost 

WSGIProcessGroup localhost

 Alias /proyectos/ /PROYECTOS/

 <Directory /PROYECTOS>

Require all granted


 WSGIScriptAlias / /Users/me/Dropbox/mBrain_Adam/mbrain/mbrain/wsgi.py

 <Directory /Users/me/Dropbox/mBrain_Adam/mbrain/mbrain>

<Files wsgi.py>

Require all granted




So to embed a media file in a template I have this as the url:

{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ asset.assetPath }}

When I load the page in a browser the console shows the fully expanded path 
for the media asset but with a 404 error - HTTP/1.1" 404 3045.

I’d really appreciate any feedback on whether I am approaching this the 
right way or if I have completely missed the concept.

Also any help on that 404 error would be appreciated.



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