Hi all,

I am learning Django after trying once with Rails. As I am a newbie to 
software development, Rails seemed more obscure and difficult to digest. I 
chose to learn Django because Python is easier to understand than Ruby (at 
least to me) and because I thought it had a bigger or more enthusiastic 
community to learn from.

However, I am finding that Django has some limitations Rails does not.  One 
is that its community is fading (or at least it feels that way).  Another 
is that Rails seems to be better at automating mundane tasks (staying true 
to the DRY principle). For example, rake db migrate can add/subtract fields 
on table without writing any sql.  Django can add fields and tables with 
syncdb, but if I need to subtract fields or change whether the field is 
required or not, I am faced to writing sql.  This seems pretty silly given 
that new site is constantly changing, thus models will suffer many changes 
as users suggest/reject features.  

These are just two limitations off the top of my head.  I am sure Django is 
awesome, but could anyone share their views on whether I should just learn 
Rails off the bat instead of going the Django then Rails route?

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