On Fri, 2006-10-13 at 11:30 +0000, doug wrote:
> I am setting up mod_python on test server and having some problems. I
> am getting 'it worked!' initially- I am able to access admin and set up
> flatpages. But I hit a wall when just trying to do 'polls' app ...
> getting 404s only . No problem when using development server.
> test server with settings is  here->  http://oviparo.us

Reverse-engineering your configuration files, it looks like you must
have a directory called /home/cottage/mysite4/ and the django source is
either on the system python path (/usr/lib*/python*/site-packages/, for
example) or also in /home/cottage.

Are either of those two statements incorrect? If so, you need to tweak
the PythonPath directive.

When you receive a 404 page, I assume this is coming from Django? Not
the default Apache 404 message? Assuming it is coming from Django, what
is the error message you are seeing? Is it saying it cannot find a match
for the URL you are submitting, or it cannot import a module, or
something else?

Your settings look basically sane, so my guess is that you have either
made a spelling error somewhere (e.g. it should be /home/cotage/ instead
of /home/cottage/ or something similar) or you haven't got the path to
your Django project directory quite correct.


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