.models is from PEP 328 http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0328/
It's checking for models.py in the current module and it's knowns as a 
"relative import"

On Monday, August 11, 2014 1:35:50 PM UTC-4, Malik Rumi wrote:
> What is “.models”, why and when do we import from it, and how is it 
> different from importing from “models”?
> I’ve never seen this .models before. I saw it the first time this morning 
> in the documentation 
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/ref/contrib/admin/#django.contrib.admin.register
> when trying to solve this problem. But it just a casual mention, not an 
> explanation. As I understood it, this was only for those choosing to use 
> the new register decorator, so I didn’t worry about it. Now I’ve seen it 
> again, in a video by a guy using 1.6 who, at least so far, has made no 
> reference to a decorator of any kind. 
> Is this the source of my problems? Where is the documentation on 
> “.models”? Yes, I have looked and found zip. 
> Thanks.
> On Monday, August 11, 2014 8:43:29 AM UTC-5, Malik Rumi wrote:
>> #admin.py:
>>     from apps.<appname>.models import Articles, Sections
>> ImportError: No module named <appname>.models
>> I have seen this error before, and it went away when I changed INSTALLED 
>> APPS from <appname> to apps.<appname> because I have all my apps in a 
>> folder called apps. Now I have changed even that to <appname>Config because 
>> of the 1.7 change to how this works. Apps.py is two levels down from here, 
>> so I don’t think there is a collision issue. 
>> I tried changing the import statement to match the <appname>Config in 
>> INSTALLED APPS, but that just gave me the same error with the *Config name 
>> instead. 
>> This is my model, it is clearly there, so I don’t know why or where this 
>> error is coming from or where to look to fix it. <appname> is all lower 
>> case, both in the Django directory and in admin.py. Just for the hell of it 
>> I capitalized <Appname> in admin.py, but I still get the same error. 

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