Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> I love the idea of a Paginator class that knows what page it's on.
Maybe a solution is to get a 'page' object back from the original
paginator. So you can still call its methods to get individual morsels
of data, or call a get_page_info method to get a PageInfo object back
with all its bits in place. Then the paginator doesn't have to be page

> > 5. Orphans - see Chris' ticket.
> I'm not 100% sold on this, but I'll give it some more thought...

I've only ever needed this once, when the paginator was paginating
(sic?) the sections of a report. In normal lists I don't mind orphans,
but if the facility was there, I think I'd probably use it, because I
rarely _need_ exactly n items on a page.

> The problem with QuerySets implementing __len__ is that sometimes you
> care about the length of the QuerySet *after* the query has been done,
> and sometimes you care about the number of records (i.e., *before* the
> query has been done).

Couldn't __len__ then do likewise: if the query hasn't been dispatched
it runs a count query, if it has it runs len on the result set.

> I like this suggestion for the paginator, though. What about one of
> these solutions:
> * Try .count() first. If the method doesn't exist, use len().
Exactly what I was thinking. A relatively minimal change, and very

> * Pass an optional count_method to the constructor, which defaults to
> 'count', but people could pass in '__len__' if they wanted. This is
> slightly less elegant than the previous solution.
Personally doesn't float my boat, but still very usable.

>> 7. You should be able to get a whole dictionary of data ...
> I think this wouldn't be necessary if we had a PaginatorPage (as
> suggested in #2576), because, in theory, the PaginatorPage would have
> access to all the stuff you needed in your template. Am I missing
> something?

No, that's right. To me this is the absolute biggest thing. When I want
to render a page, I want an object accessible through template methods
only (so no tedious processing in the view) that can give me everything
I need to render the links to give context and to navigate through
pages in the list. Ideally this would be an object (like
PaginatorPage), otherwise a dictionary would do.

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