I deleted my browser's cache and it worked!. I just thought that closing my 
session on the django project's page would also close my session on this 


On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:49:07 PM UTC-4, Héctor Urbina wrote:
> Hello Collin,
> Yes, commenting out the check_password line fixes the problem. On 
> settings, I'm importing User from django.contrib.auth.models. I discovered 
> that commenting out that stops the ImportError. However, the authentication 
> doesn't happen when I visit my secret location. Apache simply shows its 
> content. I followed the cited guide closely, here is the relevant part of 
> my apache configuration:
> ###
> LoadModule authz_user_module modules/mod_authz_user.so
> LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/mod_auth_basic.so
> LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so
> <Directory "/srv/http">
>     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>     AllowOverride None
>     Require all granted
> </Directory>
> Alias /dav /srv/http/dav
> <Location "/dav">
>   AuthType Basic
>   AuthName "Top Secret"
>   Require valid-user
>   AuthBasicProvider wsgi
>   WSGIAuthUserScript /path/to/django/project/wsgi.py
> </Location>
> I understand that, when hitting http://localhost/dav/, my django's 
> project credentials should be asked by the page. What can be happeing?
> Thanks,
> H.
> On Thursday, August 14, 2014 5:22:27 PM UTC-4, Collin Anderson wrote:
>> Does commenting out the check_password line in wsgi.py actually fix the 
>> problem? Are you importing "auth" somewhere in your settings?

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