On Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:11:16 AM UTC-8, Ari Davidow wrote:
> I am curious as to why you would write an LMS from scratch, rather than 
> use an existing framework--edX uses Django and that code is open-sourced 
> and available. Other open source possibilities, not relying on Django, 
> include Moodle and Sakai.

The nine months I spent working on a Sakai project were among the very 
worst of my professional development career. And it's virtually a dead 
project now. Now I'm working part-time on a large Moodle installation and 
finding it incredibly frustrating. You know how they say PHP has a tendency 
toward sprawling spaghetti code? Moodle feels like the poster child for 
that tendency. It's badly written, badly documented, the community is full 
of people taking wild guesses, plugins are half-baked, and lots of people 
are hacking core to make it do what they need it to do.

A lot of the complexity and mess in these products comes from their need to 
be all things to all people. Everything is overly abstracted, and 90% of 
the features you'll never use. Meanwhile you bear the brunt of all that 
baggage and complexity. I am currently lobbying the .edu I work for to 
replace a Moodle installation with a custom Django system that will do 
exactly the things we need it to do and nothing more. To discard the 
complexity and baggage and replace it with clean data modeling and known 
workflows that aren't "black box." Case in point: I spent around a month 
getting the Moodle course enrollment system to behave with a PHP script. 
Then I wrote a similar one for a separate Django system on the side. The 
Django version worked the first time and was literally 1/0 the size, in 
lines of code.



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