Awesome answer. Thanks.

The only reason I considered using a Python HTML library was because I thought you might need to edit the base template to change the JavaScript and CSS links from the individual files to the main concatenated files when deploying to production. I didn't realise you could check for whether the site was in debug mode within the templates (in hindsight this should have been obvious but I didn't think of it).

I currently don't have a CI set up for deployment. I'll look into using CircleCI and Docker Hub. Both sound interesting and should improve my deployment work flow. I already split out my JavaScript / CSS into a different folder than /static so I should be able to compile and place it all in there for deployment purposes.

I'm pretty new to Gulp.js (just started using it for this project) so I appreciate the hints and tips regarding some of the problems associated with it.

I might have a few more questions regarding this over the next couple of days as I figure out the build cycle / work flow so if you could keep an eye open I'd be grateful :).

As for not using my real name I am subscribed to quite a few open source mailing lists and this is the email account I use to catch them all rather than dumping them all in my main email account (I have over 1GB of email in this account at the moment from various open source projects). I prefer to keep my name out of Google as much as possible for privacy reasons.

On 13/11/2014 18:40, Cal Leeming [] wrote:
Personally I use a mixture of Vagrant, Docker, Gulp and makefiles to automate the entire process.

You run the gulp process as a backgrounded job, and then the django runserver in the foreground.. of course, this means gulp is then not interactive.. if you want both to be inter, then you have to use two separate shells, or you can use a tmux script to make it pretty.

You could either keep your static files inside the static dir then build to a sub dir, then upon release you would remove all but the subdir, but this is of course a bit hacky. You can instead keep the static files out of the static dir, and only build out to that dir instead. You do not want to be committing compiled js/css, so you should automate this entire process as part of your CI deployment. You can use something like CircleCI and Docker Hub to automate this.

Pro tip - don't attempt to make all this work automagically with django-pipeline or other tools, it will end in tears. I literally spent over a month prototyping many different workflows, and I'm still not 100% happy with the end outcome. Remember that this can quickly turn into a rabbit hole, and also remember that both Gulp and Grunt have *serious* performance issues with larger file counts (100% cpu when using default settings). I haven't found a single article that has a workflow which has done it "correctly", and even my own has problems... if you have a week of time to sink, then prototype your heart out... otherwise, just do whatever gets the job done.

As for linking to the concat/minified versions, you'd just use settings.DEBUG in your template and link to .min.css if DEBUG is true, there's no need to use HTML libraries, I'm not sure what your reasoning behind that was. Remember that depending on your level of minification, it might break your source or cause weirdness, so you should always run tests against your minified version as part of your CI build. Another thing to remember, both Gulp/Grunt do not gracefully handle parser errors by default, so you could end up with your build process exiting but the run server still going. I have seen some people that spawn a process from runserver, but this is particularly nasty imho.

I'm actually due to be doing a video about the way that we do it here, but it's unlikely to be released for another month.

Hope this helps


PS) You should consider using your real name, or at least an alias, for friendly/public mailing lists like this one. This isn't full-disclosure :)

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 9:29 AM, Some Developer < <>> wrote:

    I'm using Gulp.js to deal with my JavaScript and SASS files to
    concatenate them and minify them but I'm unsure how to merge it
    with my Django workflow. I want to be able to automatically minify
    the files into one big JavaScript and CSS file to reduce HTTP
    requests and to allow easy uploading to a CDN but I need to be
    able to edit to my base template so that the development version
    (which links to the files individually) can change to linking to
    the big concatenated files. I was thinking about writing a simple
    parser that does the changes automatically but am unsure what the
    best method to use is.

    Should I use a Python HTML library to edit the HTML file or should
    I use regular expressions to do the simple text replacement? I
    should be able to call the Python script from a Gulp task to do
    the actual editing. I'd also want to change the values back when I
    move back to the development version of my site.

    Any help is appreciated.

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