
I have the following Form:

class TargetAllocationsForm(forms.Form):
  def __init__(self, cliente, *args, **kwargs):
    super(TargetAllocationsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    for cat in CategoriaActivo.objects.all():
      self.fields[cat] = forms.FloatField(label=cat.nombre, min_value=0, 
        currentAlloc = cliente.targetCategoriaAllocations.filter(categoria=
        self.fields[cat].initial = currentAlloc.allocation
        self.fields[cat].initial = cat.default_allocation
    for sca in SubcategoriaActivo.objects.all():
      self.fields[sca] = forms.FloatField(label=sca.nombre, min_value=0, 
        currentAlloc = cliente.targetSubcategoriaAllocations.filter(
        self.fields[sca].initial = currentAlloc.allocation
        self.fields[sca].initial = sca.default_allocation

  def clean(self):
    cleaned_data = super(TargetAllocationsForm, self).clean() # Here is 
where I think the error is being raised
    allocations = {}
    for k in self.fields.keys():
      if isinstance(k, CategoriaActivo):
        if k not in allocations:
          allocations[k] = {"subcategorias":{}}
        allocations[k]["alloc"] = cleaned_data.get(k)
      elif isinstance(k, SubcategoriaActivo):
        if k.categoria not in allocations:
          allocations[k] = {"subcategorias":{}}
        allocations[k.categoria]["subcategorias"][k] = cleaned_data.get(k)

    total_allocations_cat = 0
    for cat in allocations:
      total_allocations_cat += allocations[cat]["alloc"]
      total_alloc_subcat = 0
      for subcat in allocations[cat]["subcategorias"]:
        total_alloc_subcat += allocations[cat]["subcategorias"][subcat]
      if total_alloc_subcat > 1:
        raise forms.ValidationError("Total de allocations en subcategorías 
de %s supera el 100%" % str(cat))
    if total_allocations_cat > 1:
      raise forms.ValidationError("Total de allocations en categorías 
supera el 100%")

When receiving the form in request.POST, I call the form.is_valid() method 
and it returns False, but no errors on the form. If I manually call 
form.clean() method (using pdb.set_trace() just after form.is_valid()) I get

*** AttributeError: 'TargetAllocationsForm' object has no attribute 

I would very much appreciate any help here


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