Hi Collin,

Am 20.12.2014 um 00:18 schrieb Collin Anderson:
save_model() happens first, then save_related() which
calls save_formset() on each formset.

It might end up being easier to save the parent model _again_, instead
of doing something before it's saved.

Thank you very much for your reply, that helped a lot!

_has_changed() / has_changed() may come in handy in your case.

In Django 1.7, it seems that _has_changed() takes several parameters that I had not readily available, so I eventually looked this up in the Django 1.7 source code (django/forms/forms.py), and now instead of, for example (probably valid Django 1.8 code):

    if form.fields['birthday'].has_changed():  ...

with Django 1.7 I use:

    if "birthday" in form.changed_data:  ...

which works very well!

Thanks again for your help!


Best regards,

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