
writing currently an app which should show different things based on namespace which is working already, but I do have problems with generating the right url inside the templates of that app.
I tried to use:
{% url 'myaddons:index' %}
but that always shows the same namespace url the last one attached.

Currently have defined inside that app:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^$', 'myaddons.views.index', name='index'),

Then have 2 other apps in one I define:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^addons/', include('myaddons.urls', namespace='wow-myaddons', app_name='myaddons')),

in the other one:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^addons/', include('myaddons.urls', namespace='ws-myaddons', app_name='myaddons')),

The base one is:

    url(r'^wow/', include('warcraft.urls')),
    url(r'^ws/', include('wildstar.urls')),

With what I tried it always resolve to:

I want it to resolve to:
/wow/addons/ if called with /wow/
/ws/addons/ if called with /ws/


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