On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 1:29 AM, Scot Hacker <scot.hac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My project access two databases, one of which is remote and read-only. When
> running tests, Django wants to create a test_ copy of that db on the remote
> host, but of course it lacks permission (I lack write access to the entire
> db host). So I'm blocked from running *any* tests, even ones that don't
> involve models for the remote data.
> I've come up with four possible solutions:
> 1) Tell Django's test runner to create the test version of that db locally,
> not on the remote host. However, the documentation doesn't indicate a way to
> use the TEST: {} dictionary to specify an alternate host. This would be my
> preferred approach, but it doesn't seem possible.
> 2) Use this module, which tells the test runner to treat the read-only db
> "as-is" rather than creating a copy of it. I don't like this because of the
> risk that the db might one day NOT be read-only (it's been discussed in our
> org). And  the module is 3 years old without updates.
> 3) Use this technique, where the read-only db is pop()'d off the settings,
> making Django effectively forget it exists during testing (but then of
> course I can't test any code that involves those models). I'm currently
> doing this just to get tests back on the rails, but it's obviously very
> limiting.
> 4) Use this technique, which alters the routers configuration during
> testing.
> Is there a preferred or recommended approach to this problem?
> Thanks.

5) Use a different settings module for running tests

python manage.py test --settings=project.settings.tests

Having separate configuration files for test allows you to have more
easily repeatable tests, very useful with multi person teams.

We use a structure like so:

└── settings
    ├── ci.py
    ├── defaults.py
    ├── devs
    │   ├── dick.py
    │   ├── harry.py
    │   └── tom.py
    └── www.py

Anyone can then run "python manage.py jenkins
--settings=project.settings.ci" to see exactly what CI (in our case
jenkins) will think of their pending commit. It also makes it
considerably easier in development to override things, eg in my
settings file I might have:

from ..defaults import *
DEBUG = True
INSTALLED_APPS = list(INSTALLED_APPS) + [ 'debug_toolbar', ]

Depending on how your settings are structured currently, you might
need to move some things around and possibly update your manage.py and
wsgi.py to indicate a new default settings module.



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