
I wanted to see what the Django community thought about realtime circa 2015.

My impression (and I could be very wrong) is that if you want real time, 
you should build your own stack up from scratch.  There are frameworks - 
like swampdragon/socketio - that promise to do the hard yards for you, but 
ultimately are either based on older versions of the underlying tech, or 
too green to be in production.

So which stack to build?  There is the gevent route which looks promising 
as it keeps it all in the python family.  (Stack would be something like - 

>From what I have read, gevent becomes opaque and throws up hard to 
understand errors.  Without a strong community behind this, debugging is 
either for the advanced, or extremely dedicated.

Another stack option is to use Node.  I quite like this, despite the 
challenges.  The stack would be django/apache +redis/socetio/node/celery. 
 I think the hardest part would be managing oauth2 between the two servers. 
 On the upside, django can do all the regular web stuff, with node handling 
realtime components.

So I have just stated my own views from what I could glean from blog posts. 
 I was interested if people had alternate understandings.

What I am building definitely does need pubsub at the least, and to be as 
near to realtime as possible would be an advantage.

many thanks,


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