Hi Humberto,

The following should do:


P.S. Next time you post a question try to remove data unrelated to your 
issue from your example (e.g `countries` and `user` reference).


Le dimanche 1 mars 2015 18:33:17 UTC-5, Humberto Moreira a écrit :
> I basically have to display a list of service providers and in each, I 
> need to display the categories of service they offer.
> So as an example:
> Possible Service Type Categories:
> [id: 1, name:'Programming'][id: 2, name:'Design']
> Possible Service Types:
> [id: 1, name: 'PHP Service', service_type_category_id: 1][id: 2, name: 'JAVA 
> Service', service_type_category_id: 1][id: 3, name: 'Web Design Service', 
> service_type_category_id: 2]
> Example of Display Results:
> Company Blue offers 'Programming'Company Test offers 'Programming' and 
> 'Design'Company Orange offers 'Design' ....
> I'm trying to write the least number of queries:
> I have these models:
> class ServiceTypeCategory( BaseModel ):
>     # Model Attributes
>     name = models.CharField( _( "name" ), max_length = 40 )
> class ServiceType( BaseModel ):
>     # Model Attributes
>     service_type_category = models.ForeignKey( 'ServiceTypeCategory', 
> verbose_name = _( 'category' ) )
>     name = models.CharField( _( "name" ), max_length = 60 )
>     description = models.TextField( _( "description" ) )
> class Provider( BaseModel ):
>     # Model Attributes
>     display_name = models.CharField( _( "name" ), max_length = 80 )
>     # Many to many relations
>     countries = models.ManyToManyField( 'core.Country' ) # countries this 
> provider support
>     service_types = models.ManyToManyField( 'ServiceType', through = 
> 'Provider_ServiceTypes', related_name = 'service_types' )
> class Provider_ServiceTypes( BaseModel ):
>     # Model Attributes
>     service_type = models.ForeignKey( 'ServiceType', verbose_name = _( 
> 'service type' ) )
>     provider = models.ForeignKey( 'Provider', verbose_name = _( 'provider' ) )
>     is_top = models.BooleanField( _( "is top service" ), default = False )
> Then, to run the query, I have the following:
> providers = Provider.objects.select_related(
>     'user',).prefetch_related(
>     Prefetch(
>         'service_types__service_type_category',
>         queryset = ServiceTypeCategory.objects
>         .only( 'name' )
>     )).filter(
>     countries = country_id,).only(
>     'id', 'display_name', 'user').order_by(
>     '-user__last_login')
> This works out well, but it runs the 3 following queries:
> SELECT app_provider.id, app_provider.user_id, app_provider.display_name, 
> core_user.id, core_user.password, core_user.last_login, 
> core_user.is_superuser, core_user.created_date, core_user.modified_date, 
> core_user.email, core_user.name, core_user.is_active, core_user.is_admin 
> FROM app_provider 
> INNER JOIN app_provider_countries ON ( app_provider.id = 
> app_provider_countries.provider_id ) 
> INNER JOIN core_user ON ( app_provider.user_id = core_user.id ) 
> LEFT OUTER JOIN core_userpersonal ON ( core_user.id = 
> core_userpersonal.user_id ) 
> LEFT OUTER JOIN core_userstats ON ( core_user.id = core_userstats.user_id ) 
> WHERE app_provider_countries.country_id = 204 
> ORDER BY core_userstats.total_reviews DESC, core_userstats.total_contracts 
> DESC, core_userstats.total_answers DESC, core_user.last_login DESC LIMIT 5
> SELECT (app_provider_servicetypes.provider_id) AS 
> _prefetch_related_val_provider_id, app_servicetype.id, 
> app_servicetype.created_date, app_servicetype.modified_date, 
> app_servicetype.service_type_category_id, app_servicetype.name, 
> app_servicetype.description 
> FROM app_servicetype 
> INNER JOIN app_provider_servicetypes ON ( app_servicetype.id = 
> app_provider_servicetypes.service_type_id ) 
> WHERE app_provider_servicetypes.provider_id IN (2)
> SELECT app_servicetypecategory.id, app_servicetypecategory.name 
> FROM app_servicetypecategory 
> WHERE app_servicetypecategory.id IN (1, 2)
> Question is: How can I make to run just 2 queries in total? (The last 2 
> queries should be joined with INNER JOIN and a group by per 
> service_type_category_name)
> Thanks in advance!

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