There are 2 types of Apps in Django: 
1) reusable one with clear, documented interface
2) not reusable one, because it depends on current project heavily.

Ideally, project consists of several reusable-apps, and project-specific 
data is stored in project-specific places like URLConf or filesystem 
But in real life, project may have one or more non-reusable app tied to 
this project heavily. If you have app with specific business-logic you do 
not want to share it. If you have app with generic logic (forum, shop, 
email system, template engine, orm system, new field type, a pack of tags 
etc) -- you need to make it shareable. 

It is like modules in python: you have reusable packages and modules, but 
you almost always have "" script which is not reusable. But you 
should do your best to make this file as small as possible by making most 
of your code reusable and moving it to sharable packages and modules.

Actually, this is not only about Python: in OSes you have execution binary 
and .so files (if you are *nix user) or .exe file and .dll files (if you 
are windows user).
.so/.dlls are reusable, but .exe (or executable) is not. 

I think you should start with 4 apps:
1) user management
2) business logic (models and other staff used both in front-end and 
3) front-end with front-end specific code
4) backend with back-end specific.

Back and front may depend on business, but not on each other, and business 
does not depend on anything.
You should be able to throw backend away, and totaly rewrite it, and be 
sure front-end and business logic is not affected.
Speaking in MVC term here, your business is Model, and Front and Back are 
both views. You may even need to create some new view, like portal which is 
not frontend nor backend,

You then try to fetch some "generic" parts from you apps. For example you 
may find that you use views/templates/tags to display some business data in 
fancy way. You may move it to business-logic part, to share between 
front-end and back-end.
Or you may find that you just created, say, email blast engine, or report 
engine, that can be used even with out of your business logic, in totaly 
different project! You then move it to separate app, and make it public to 
reuse in other projects.

Splitting code into modules (units, packages) is one of the hardiest things 
in software architecutre. It is ok to refactor existing projects changing 
modules structure, because you never know if your layout is good until you 
try to support such project. 


On Sunday, March 8, 2015 at 9:56:51 PM UTC+3, Gabriel Klein wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm going to start a big project using Django.
> It will have 3 main sections: 
> - A "Frontend" section:
> Where the user will consult the data.
> - A "Backend" section:
> Where the ETL and Admins will organize the data
> - A User Management section:
> Where I'll manage user permission, Oauth for my APIs
> I'm aware that Django recommend to break down your project into a 
> multitude of apps with a very small scope.
> While my User Management section should be simple enough to be on his own 
> app my two other sections "Frontend" and "Backend" come with a fairly 
> complex snowflake schema (about 15 tables) and sometime with cross 
> dependencies between apps. They also come with complex business logic that 
> can be break down to smaller apps.
> My question is how to shared models across apps? 
> I was thinking creating a app only to cary my complex models?
> This app can be now reuse within smaller app doing backend or fronted jobs.
> Any advice will be welcome.

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