Hi Everyone,

I've been working on learning Django the past few months and have been 
following the django tutorials here:


I've followed the tutorial on my local machine in addition to on my A Small 
Orange account.

A Small Orange has this tutorial:


which has gotten me to reach the default django "Congrats" webpage. This 
pages appears on both my local machines django setup and the ASO website. 
The next step is to run the startapp function within the mysite folder.

My folder structure is as follows on the ASO server

                            polls/ (after I run the startapp command)
                                   (all the startapp default files)     
                                     (all the startproject default files)

My issue is that when I run "python27 manage.py startapp polls" from within 
the website/mysite folder my server immediately goes to a 500 internal 
server error page online while this function causes no issues on my local 

The only lead I have on the problem currently is that when I run my 
dispatch.fcgi file via "python27 dispatch.fcgi" from within the public_html 
directory I get the HTML output that should be up on my website. The output 
is shown within my SSH. This makes me think the error has something to do 
with the communication between the .htaccess file and the dispatch file. 


from traceback import formate_exc

     import sys
     import os

     sys.path.append("/home/(my username)/website/mysite/mysite")

    os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'mysite.settings'

    from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi
    runfastcgi(method="threaded", daemonize="false")

except Exception:
    open("/home/(my username)/website/error.txt", "w").write(format_exc())


AddHandler fcgi-script .fcgi
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCon %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]

I've talked to the ASO customer support and I worked with a technical 
support person for about a week to solve it and they were able to get an 
app started without error but then told me that this was beyond the scope 
of their customer support. I then tried adding my own app with the python27 
manage.py startapp command and it broke the website again. 

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Thank you!


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