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I lead a development team that uses django and python to build an online 
web portal.  I am looking for additional help short or long term, if you 
are **very comfortable with all of the following skills** please let me 
know and send your resume/background.

This can be a work from home position, during the core business hours 
9am-4pm gmt-7 (US Mountain Time Zone)

1) Django managers and querysets (ORM) as database access layer. 
2) Service/API/domain layer via django models.
3) Security (role based authentication and authorization) via class 
permissions and/or 3rd party Djagno apps for role based security, use of 
decorators in URLConf or mixins, etc...
4) Unit and integration testing, tdd and/or bdd 
5) Distributed architecture using multiple instances of web and app 
6) Dependency Injection via INSTALLED_APPS or other ways if they exist. 
7) Celery for async queues and Enterprise Integration Patterns. 

We also use Github, jenkins, AWS and Linux, and need engineers that can 
build apps that are easy to maintain, extend, are secure, and can scale out 
to 1000s of concurrent connections.  Also familiar with DRY and YAGNI and 
know how they determine what and how you create solutions. We also use 
scrum and lira to manage our work.  
I can be reached at j-man-gan-@-g-mail.c-om  (remove the dashes - )


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