ok i found it 

in the urls.py i add  the 

 (r'^jsi18n/$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog'),

and in template 

<script type="text/javascript" src="/jsi18n/" > </script>

Τη Τετάρτη, 29 Απριλίου 2015 - 4:12:56 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Dimitris 
Kougioumtzis έγραψε:
> i want to use the selectfilter  widget for a view , the user in my django 
> application is only active not staff because i want to restrict access to 
> django admin pages. But selectfilter widget dosen't  work
> the error i get is  
> SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> /admin/jsi18n/ (line 1)
> 4
> ReferenceError: interpolate is not defined
> quickElement('h2', selector_available, interpolate(gettext('Available %s'), 
> [fie...
> how to use selectfilter functionality to other views in django application 
> other tha the admin 
> thx a lot 

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