
Extending a template do not magically gives you access to the context 
variables the other template has.
The context is set in the view, what's the view for the homepage? You 
didn't include it in your post.
Is the variable images set in there? I recommend using django debug toolbar 
to help debugging issues
like this. 

Anyway, make sure to set a context variable `images` in your homepage view 
and you will be all set.

On Monday, June 22, 2015 at 7:15:15 AM UTC-4, Jeremi Podlasek wrote:
> Please beware that I'm just few weeks into django and really do not feel 
> confortable at it
> In my first django project I've created an app which is uploading images 
> to the site, the images are stored at the same link the uploading takes 
> place
> What I'm trying to accomplish is to upload the images at the /list.html 
> and to display the images on the homepage.
> I've tried to inherit template from list.html so the homepage would have 
> the variable images so I could iterate over it but to no avail.
> I'm stuck and really a django framework beginner.
> All the homepage says is "No images."
> from django.db import models
> from PIL import Image
> class Image(models.Model):
>     imgfile = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/%Y/%m/%d')
> from django import forms
> class ImageForm(forms.Form):
>     imgfile = forms.ImageField(
>         label='Select a file',
>     )
> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
> from django.template import RequestContext
> from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
> from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
> from .models import Image
> from .forms import ImageForm
> def list(request):
>     # handling the file upload process
>     if request.method == 'POST':
>         form = ImageForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
>         if form.is_valid():
>             newimg = Image(imgfile = request.FILES['imgfile'])
>             # point to the list of images
>             return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('img.views.list'))
>     else:
>         form = ImageForm() # show nothing
>     #load images on the list page
>     images = Image.objects.all()
>     # render list page with the images & the browse form
>     return render_to_response(
>         'img/list.html',
>         {'images': images, 'form':form},
>         context_instance=RequestContext(request)
>     )
> and templates: 
> list.html
> {% extends "site_base.html" %}
> {% load i18n %}
> {% block head_title %}site for specific people{% endblock %}
> {% block body_class %}list{% endblock %}
> {% block body_base %}
>     <section class="jumbotron">
>         <div class="container">
>             {% include "_messages.html" %}
>             <h1>{% blocktrans %}<br>Add an image!{% endblocktrans %}</h1>
>                  <!-- List of uploaded documents -->
>   {% if images %}
>         {% for image in images %}
> {{ image.imgfile.title }}            
> <img src="{{ image.imgfile.url }}" width="680" height="800" 
> style="padding=20px; margin=20px" ></img>
>         {% endfor %}
>     {% else %}
>         <p>No images.</p>
>     {% endif %}
>         </div>
>         <div class="container">
>             <div class="feature-columns">
>                 <div>
>                     <form action="{% url 'list' %}" method="post"    
> enctype="multipart/form-data">
>             {% csrf_token %}
>             <p>{{ form.non_field_errors }}</p>
>             <p>{{ form.imgfile.label_tag }} {{ form.image.help_text }}</p>
>             <p>
>                 {{ form.imgfile.errors }}
>                 {{ form.imgfile }}  
>             <input type="submit" value="Upload" /></p>
>                 </div>
>             </div>
>         </div>
>     </section>
> {% endblock %}
> homepage.html
> {% extends "img/list.html" %}
> {% load i18n %}
> {% block head_title %}site for specific people{% endblock %}
> {% block body_class %}home{% endblock %}
> {% block body_base %}
>     <section class="jumbotron">
>         <div class="container">
>             {% include "_messages.html" %}
>             {% if not user.is_authenticated %}
>             {% url "account_login" as login_url %}
>             {% url "account_signup" as signup_url %}
>             <p style="text-align: center;">{% blocktrans %}Feel free to <a 
> href="{{ login_url }}" class="btn btn-default">Log In</a> or <a href="{{ 
> signup_url }}" class="btn btn-primary">Sign Up</a> and post an image!{% 
> endblocktrans %}</p>
>             {% endif %}
>         </div>
>     </section>
> {% if images %}
>         {% for image in images %}
> {{ image.imgfile.title }}            
> <img src="{{ image.imgfile.url }}" width="680" height="800" 
> style="padding=20px; margin=20px" ></img>
>         {% endfor %}
>     {% else %}
>         <p>No images.</p>
>     {% endif %}
>             </p>
>             <div class="feature-columns" style="padding-bottom: 70%;">
>             </div>
>         </div>
>     </section>
>     <section>
>         <div class="container">
>             </p>
>         </div>
>     </section>
> {% endblock %}

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