> Den 28/07/2015 kl. 14.36 skrev Stefan Schindler <st...@boxbox.org>:
>> This makes no sense to me. You want to delete an Item or Order but 
>> then immediately create a new one?
> My actual goal is this: Whenever an Item object itself is deleted, I
> want to create a LogEntry object attached to the item's order. If an
> order is deleted however, I don't want to do anything.
> In code, I expected it to look something like this:
>  @receiver(post_delete, sender=Item)
>  def on_item_post_delete(instance, **kwargs):
>    if instance.order is not None:
>      LogEntry(order=instance.order).save()
> It's technically impossible (AFAIK) however to determine the case
> between "Item alone is deleted" and "Item is cascaded by Order
> deletion", at the moment.

Signals are nice, but sometimes they just make code more complicated. You could 
go for this (naive) approach:

class Order(models.Model):
    def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Detatch this order from its' items
        for item in self.items.all():
            item.order = None
            # Or is this what you really wanted?
            # item.delete()  
    super().delete(*args, **kwargs)

class Item(models.Model):
    def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
    if self.order:
    super().delete(*args, **kwargs)


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